
Pepe Iborra pointed out that my patch is not in the right format for gnu patch command.
Sorry for inconvenience (I used "darcs what -u" instead of "darcs diff -u").

Here it is attached in the correct format.

diff -rN -u old-ghc/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs new-ghc/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs
--- old-ghc/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs	2009-04-14 11:51:34.768662881 +0200
+++ new-ghc/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs	2009-04-14 11:51:35.135331181 +0200
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
 -- this points to the IO action that is executed when a breakpoint is hit
 foreign import ccall "&rts_breakpoint_io_action" 
-   breakPointIOAction :: Ptr (StablePtr (Bool -> BreakInfo -> HValue -> IO ())) 
+   breakPointIOAction :: Ptr (StablePtr (Bool -> BreakInfo -> HValue -> Int -> IO ()))
 -- When running a computation, we redirect ^C exceptions to the running
 -- thread.  ToDo: we might want a way to continue even if the target
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
         -- might be a bit surprising.  The exception flag is turned off
         -- as soon as it is hit, or in resetBreakAction below.
-   onBreak is_exception info apStack = do
+   onBreak is_exception info apStack _ = do
      tid <- myThreadId
      putMVar statusMVar (Break is_exception apStack info tid)
      takeMVar breakMVar
@@ -424,12 +424,12 @@
      freeStablePtr stablePtr
-noBreakStablePtr :: StablePtr (Bool -> BreakInfo -> HValue -> IO ())
+noBreakStablePtr :: StablePtr (Bool -> BreakInfo -> HValue -> Int -> IO ())
 noBreakStablePtr = unsafePerformIO $ newStablePtr noBreakAction
-noBreakAction :: Bool -> BreakInfo -> HValue -> IO ()
-noBreakAction False _ _ = putStrLn "*** Ignoring breakpoint"
-noBreakAction True  _ _ = return () -- exception: just continue
+noBreakAction :: Bool -> BreakInfo -> HValue -> Int -> IO ()
+noBreakAction False _ _ x = putStrLn $ "*** Ignoring breakpoint " ++ show x
+noBreakAction True  _ _ _ = return () -- exception: just continue
 resume :: GhcMonad m => (SrcSpan->Bool) -> SingleStep -> m RunResult
 resume canLogSpan step
diff -rN -u old-ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h new-ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h
--- old-ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h	2009-04-14 11:51:34.971997946 +0200
+++ new-ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h	2009-04-14 11:51:35.358664627 +0200
@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@
diff -rN -u old-ghc/rts/Exception.cmm new-ghc/rts/Exception.cmm
--- old-ghc/rts/Exception.cmm	2009-04-14 11:51:34.878663864 +0200
+++ new-ghc/rts/Exception.cmm	2009-04-14 11:51:35.391997906 +0200
@@ -402,15 +402,16 @@
             // be per-thread.
             W_[rts_stop_on_exception] = 0;
             ("ptr" ioAction) = foreign "C" deRefStablePtr (W_[rts_breakpoint_io_action] "ptr") [];
-            Sp = Sp - WDS(7);
-            Sp(6) = exception;
-            Sp(5) = stg_raise_ret_info;
-            Sp(4) = stg_noforceIO_info;    // required for unregisterised
+            Sp = Sp - WDS(8);
+            Sp(7) = exception;
+            Sp(6) = stg_raise_ret_info;
+            Sp(5) = stg_noforceIO_info;    // required for unregisterised
+            Sp(4) = 0;
             Sp(3) = exception;             // the AP_STACK
             Sp(2) = ghczmprim_GHCziBool_True_closure; // dummy breakpoint info
             Sp(1) = ghczmprim_GHCziBool_True_closure; // True <=> a breakpoint
             R1 = ioAction;
-            jump RET_LBL(stg_ap_pppv);
+            jump RET_LBL(stg_ap_ppppv);
diff -rN -u old-ghc/rts/Interpreter.c new-ghc/rts/Interpreter.c
--- old-ghc/rts/Interpreter.c	2009-04-14 11:51:34.861997785 +0200
+++ new-ghc/rts/Interpreter.c	2009-04-14 11:51:35.395331066 +0200
@@ -815,14 +815,8 @@
         case bci_BRK_FUN: 
             int arg1_brk_array, arg2_array_index, arg3_freeVars;
-            StgArrWords *breakPoints;
             int returning_from_break;     // are we resuming execution from a breakpoint?
                                           //  if yes, then don't break this time around
-            StgClosure *ioAction;         // the io action to run at a breakpoint
-            StgAP_STACK *new_aps;         // a closure to save the top stack frame on the heap
-            int i;
-            int size_words;
             arg1_brk_array      = BCO_NEXT;  // 1st arg of break instruction
             arg2_array_index    = BCO_NEXT;  // 2nd arg of break instruction
@@ -836,6 +830,7 @@
             // and continue executing
             if (!returning_from_break)
+               StgArrWords *breakPoints;
                breakPoints = (StgArrWords *) BCO_PTR(arg1_brk_array);
                // stop the current thread if either the
@@ -845,6 +840,12 @@
                if (rts_stop_next_breakpoint == rtsTrue || 
                    breakPoints->payload[arg2_array_index] == rtsTrue)
+                  StgClosure *ioAction;         // the io action to run at a breakpoint
+                  StgAP_STACK *new_aps;         // a closure to save the top stack frame on the heap
+                  StgClosure *stackSize;
+                  int size_words;
+                  int i;
                   // make sure we don't automatically stop at the
                   // next breakpoint
                   rts_stop_next_breakpoint = rtsFalse;
@@ -869,19 +870,24 @@
                      new_aps->payload[i] = (StgClosure *)Sp[i-2];
+                  stackSize = (StgClosure*) allocate(CONSTR_sizeW(0,1));
+                  SET_HDR(stackSize, Izh_con_info, CCS_SYSTEM);
+                  stackSize->payload[0]  = (StgClosure *)(StgInt) 0;
                   // prepare the stack so that we can call the
                   // rts_breakpoint_io_action and ensure that the stack is
                   // in a reasonable state for the GC and so that
                   // execution of this BCO can continue when we resume
                   ioAction = (StgClosure *) deRefStablePtr (rts_breakpoint_io_action);
-                  Sp -= 9;
-                  Sp[8] = (W_)obj;   
-                  Sp[7] = (W_)&stg_apply_interp_info;
-                  Sp[6] = (W_)&stg_noforceIO_info;     // see [unreg] below
+                  Sp -= 10;
+                  Sp[9] = (W_)obj;
+                  Sp[8] = (W_)&stg_apply_interp_info;
+                  Sp[7] = (W_)&stg_noforceIO_info;     // see [unreg] below
+                  Sp[6] = (W_)stackSize;               // stack size just before the breakpoint hit
                   Sp[5] = (W_)new_aps;                 // the AP_STACK
                   Sp[4] = (W_)BCO_PTR(arg3_freeVars);  // the info about local vars of the breakpoint
                   Sp[3] = (W_)False_closure;            // True <=> a breakpoint
-                  Sp[2] = (W_)&stg_ap_pppv_info;
+                  Sp[2] = (W_)&stg_ap_ppppv_info;
                   Sp[1] = (W_)ioAction;                // apply the IO action to its two arguments above
                   Sp[0] = (W_)&stg_enter_info;         // get ready to run the IO action
                   // Note [unreg]: in unregisterised mode, the return
diff -rN -u old-ghc/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs new-ghc/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs
--- old-ghc/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs	2009-04-14 11:51:34.935329549 +0200
+++ new-ghc/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs	2009-04-14 11:51:35.475331386 +0200
@@ -792,6 +792,7 @@
+	[P,P,P,P,V],

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