I've added more notes to this page:


>> Message: 8
>> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:20:46 +0200
>> From: Johannes Waldmann <waldm...@imn.htwk-leipzig.de>
>> Subject: Threads and memory management
>> To: "glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org"
>>      <glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org>
>> Message-ID: <49f1f4ee.8070...@imn.htwk-leipzig.de>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Dear all,
>> I was wondering what is the current status of the ghc RTS
>> with respect to threading. Is it true that the allocator
>> and deallocator (garbage collector) are still single-threaded?
>> I made this example:
>> ...
>> Well, then, if the two Haskell threads are (nearly) completely
>> independent like the above, it would be better to compile and run
>> two separate executables and have them communicate via the OS  (pipe or
>> port). But that shouldn't be!  (the OS being better than Haskell)
>> Is there was a way of partitioning the memory (managed by the ghc RTS)
>> in totally independent parts that each have their stand-alone
>> memory management. Of course then all communication
>> had to go via some Control.Concurrent.Chan,
>> but that should be fine, if there is little of them.
>> Well, just some thought. This idea can't be new?
>> Tell me why it couldn't possibly work ...
>> J.W.
> Hello everybody,
> Since I did not see any other replies, I thought I might give you some  
> pointers to more information. Other people will perhaps follow up with  
> more details.
> In all, quite a few things are recently going on about threading in the  
> GHC world, and it is even difficult to keep the oversight.
> - GHC has undergone a big overhaul with respect to threading support  
> since last September. I have started this work at Microsoft Research  
> last summer, and a lot more has been done by Simon Marlow since.
> There are forthcoming papers (mainly one submitted to ICFP) about this  
> work. The main focus here was the shared-heap implementation of the  
> Glasgow-parallel Haskell programming model (see  
> http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~dsg/gph/ , mainly the paper here:  
> http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~dsg/gph/papers/html/Strategies/strategies.html). 
> This programming model is supported in GHC versions since 2004 already,  
> but should now deliver much better performance. That said, the vast  
> majority of the latest GHC optimisations carried out in the GHC HEAD aim  
> at improving thread performance (the explicit basis of the more implicit  
> programming model), and thus relate directly to what you observe.
> The version you have tested with is GHC-6.10.2, which does not include  
> substantial threading optimisations.
> - a related question is tool support for parallel performance tuning.  
> Very recently, GHC (HEAD) supports a visual post-mortem analysis, and a  
> graphical tool "ThreadScope" has been developed by Satnam Singh and  
> others. http://raintown.org/?page_id=132
> There is a related posting in glasgow-haskell-users (11 March).
> - GHC has parallel garbage collection since 2007 already. However,  
> recent work showed that this parallel GC sometimes hampers performance,  
> in particular on Linux systems. See this thread for more:
> http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/glasgow-haskell-users/2009-April/017050.html
> - about your remark that separate OS processes should communicate,  
> rather than having the Haskell RTS manage all threads: yes, there are  
> programming models around which aim at parallel Haskell with distributed  
> heap. Aside from the older GpH cluster implementations, you might have a  
> look at the language Eden:  
> http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~eden/?content=paper
> (and personally, I might apologise for the suboptimal web presence...)
> Using Eden (and its implementation) would be a way to realise the model  
> you propose, communicating processes with separate heaps, but managed by  
> a common parallel runtime system and programmed in one single program.
> Let me add that Eden also provides a tool with features very similar to  
> what recently became "ThreadScope".
> Interestingly, a number of recent experiments have shown that Eden has  
> competitive performance to the shared heap GpH implementation when  
> executed on multicores, delegating all communication to the underlying  
> middleware (most commonly PVM). Early papers discussing alike results  
> have been published recently or are in preparation.  
> http://www-fp.cs.st-and.ac.uk/~kh/mainICPP09.pdf
> I strongly support the idea to collect all this related information  
> systematically! Kickoff is already present here:
>       http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Performance/Parallel
> However, the question is where to start... the field is indeed very  
> broad, and the page above will surely focus on GHC rather than general  
> ideas. So I hesitate in dropping all this information into the wiki and  
> rather send a mail for now.
> Cheers
> Jost Berthold
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