On 28/12/09 11:06, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
Too late. We had a stable link, I used it, Google used it, blog posts
were written that linked to it, I've emailed my wife links to it, I've
put them in Word documents, I've posted them on internal intranets.
You can't create a link, put content behind it, then move the content
- it just breaks the whole web.

And incidentally, the _ghc_docs_ themselves continue to use these stable
links to library docs, most of which are currently broken.

All of the following links from documentation for ghc-6.12.1 give a 404
Not Found. (I do not claim the list is exhaustive.)

This is a good point. These links are relative (unless I'm mistaken). they aren't pointing to the "latest" docs specifically. It would be onerous to have to update these links every time we bump a library version number.

Ian - I think we should use the symlinks you suggested in your other message.

I agree that linking to "latest" is/was a bad idea. The fact remains that it's done all over the place, and we can't fix that now. We should probably stop Google from indexing those pages, as that is probably the source of most of the links.

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