On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 09:42:27PM +0100, Nicolas Martyanoff wrote:
> > This probably means some type identifier used at that point hasn't
> > been declared, or macro defined or whatever.  You'd have to see
> > what it is, and maybe it will be more obvious what went wrong.
> It seems that SIZEOF_VOID_P isn't defined anywhere.

It's defined in includes/ghcautoconf.h (which is created during
configure and make bootstrapping-files on the target platform).

> All right, I'll try again with the last darcs version when I get access to a
> i386 Linux machine.

You don't need any linux machine for this. The current darcs port
for OpenBSD may be a little bit outdated, but it still works.

> In the mean time, I'll try to run a GHC 6.6 -> 6.10 -> 6.12 build chain, 6.6
> being the latest version available in OpenBSD's ports.

I sent you a (admittedly horrible) script to do this chain. Use it.
If it doesn't work, sent complaints.
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