On 2010-04-12 22:28, Bradford Larsen wrote:
  2.  If I cannot install multiple ghc versions from a different apt
repository, does anyone have advice for how to work with multiple
simultaneous installations?  A how-to guide or anything like that?

I install GHC under /usr/local/stow/ghc-<version>/ by using the --prefix
flag when configuring the binary packages. I have seven versions
installed at the moment:

 $ cd /usr/local/stow/
 $ ls -d ghc*
 ghc-6.10.1  ghc-6.10.2  ghc-6.10.3  ghc-6.10.4  ghc-6.12.1  ghc-6.8.2  

Using stow (http://www.gnu.org/software/stow/) I can then pick one
version which is available directly under /usr/local (via symlinks). To
use GHC 6.12.1:

 $ sudo stow ghc-6.12.1

To switch to GHC 6.10.4:

 $ sudo stow -D ghc-6.12.1
 $ sudo stow ghc-6.10.4

If I want to use a non-default version to build something with
cabal-install I use the --with-compiler flag:

 cabal install --with-compiler=/usr/local/stow/ghc-<version>/bin/ghc <package>

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