Good morning,

I'm looking at ticket and wonder who is to blame:

- this segmentation fault occurs in Gtk2Hs' callbacks (i.e. a Haskell function pointer is being passed to C land) and in a signal (where a general machinery is used to invoke a Haskell function), thus, it doesn't seem to be the way callbacks are used

- the segfault only occurs in ghc 6.12.2 not in ghc 6.12.1

However, in the release notes of 6.12.2 there are no changes indicated that look like the RTS has changed. So I would like to simply ask: Are any of the GHC developers aware of any change in the concurrency or GC behaviour in GHC's RTS? Have any other parameters changed (perhaps something with multithreading?).

Neither Gtk2Hs nor GHC seem to have changed, yet, there are these intermittend segfaults. It would be good to know which part is the culprit.


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