Suppose I start ghci, use a value from a package, causing it to be linked, then I modify the package and reinstall, same version number, without quitting my ghci session. Is there a way to tell the ghci session to refresh and use the modified package?

Suppose I do something similar with the GHC API (6.12.3, linux, x86, 32 bit). The attachment g.hs is my program to get a value from the package (called watermelon-0.1), print it, wait for me to press return, (at this point I modify the source code of the package, rebuild, reinstall), then loop back to get a value from the package again... how should I refresh so I get the new value?

Or I am supposed to forget this and just bump the version number of the package?

I attach my program g.hs and the package tarball for watermelon-0.1.
import Control.Monad(forever,liftM)

import GHC
import Unsafe.Coerce(unsafeCoerce)
import GHC.Paths(libdir)
import DynFlags(defaultDynFlags)
import Linker(getHValue,initDynLinker,linkPackages,showLinkerState)
import Module(mainPackageId,stringToPackageId)
import Name(nameOccName)
import OccName(isValOcc,occNameString)
import MonadUtils(liftIO)

main = forever $ do
  e <- ghcheader (unsafepkgget "watermelon-0.1" "W" "wm")
  print (e :: Int)

ghcheader :: Ghc a -> IO a
ghcheader body = runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
  f0 <- getSessionDynFlags
  let f = dfmod f0
  defaultCleanupHandler f $ do
    todo <- setSessionDynFlags f
    f1 <- getSessionDynFlags
    liftIO (initDynLinker f1)
  where dfmod f = f{ghcLink=LinkInMemory}

unsafepkgget :: (GhcMonad m) => String -> String -> String -> m a
unsafepkgget spkg smod sval = unsafeget (pkgmod spkg smod) sval

pkgmod :: String -> String -> Module
pkgmod spkg smod = mkModule (stringToPackageId spkg) (mkModuleName smod)

unsafeget :: (GhcMonad m) => Module -> String -> m a
unsafeget m v = do
  mi <- getModuleInfo m
  case mi of
    Nothing -> error ("unsafeget fails at " ++ mns)
    Just i -> do
      case filter (match v) (modInfoExports i) of
        [n] -> do h <- getSession
                  liftIO $ do
                    val <- unsafeCoerce `liftM` getHValue h n
                    -- showLinkerState
                    return val
        _ -> error ("unsafegetval cannot find value " ++ v ++
                    " in module " ++ mns)
  where mns = moduleNameString (moduleName m)
        match s n = let o = nameOccName n in isValOcc o && s == occNameString o

Attachment: watermelon-0.1.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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