On 18/09/2010 03:03, Alex Suraci wrote:
Context: My language uses hint to interpret Haskell code at runtime,
via `load: "path/to/file.hs"`. Hint works similar to ":load foo.hs"
in GHCi (it uses the GHC API). After the source is interpreted the
module's `load` function is executed in the language's VM. There is
no valuable result; it is executed for its side-effects, usually

Problem: Around 80MB[1] is used up by the module's dependencies and
never freed. Subsequent "load:"s are faster, but that 80MB overhead
can be expensive on things like VPSes.

This can be simulated in GHCi by doing ":load foo.hs" followed by a
":load" to clear the loaded modules; the memory usage doesn't go down
(understandably, in this case), and :loading it again is much

Is there any way to "hard reset" or free the memory being used for
the loaded module's dependencies?

The memory is held on to by the GHC Session, so if you discard the Session and start a new one all the cached information should be released.

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