I define, for example, 
  tuple42    (_, y, _, _)   = y,
  setTuple42 (x, _, z, u) y = (x, y, z, u),
  mapTuple42 f (x, y, z, u) = (x, f y, z, u).

But it looks natural to have such functions for tuples in the library.
As Haskell-2010 has  zip3, zip4 ...,  where are the library functions
tupleij, setTupleij, mapTupleij,  say, for  i, j <- [2 .. 6]
I expected to find in the Report "Data.Tuple" similar as "Data.List",
but do not.
GHC has "Data.Tuple", but it misses the above functions.

Thank you in advance for your comments,

Serge Mechveliani

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  • lib for tuples Serge D. Mechveliani

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