I'm trying to refactor the integer-gmp package to fix the breakage
explained in #5384. During the refactoring I

* moved GHC.Integer.Type to GHC.Integer.GMP.Type, and
* added a new GHC.Integer.Type module that re-exports parts of the
interface now exposed by GHC.Integer.GMP.Type

The content of GHC.Integer.Type is just:

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

-- If you change the module name or the export list you must update
-- compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs.
module GHC.Integer.Type (
    , plusInteger
    , timesInteger
    , smallInteger
    , integerToWord
    , integerToInt
    , minusInteger
    , negateInteger
    , eqInteger
    , neqInteger
    , absInteger
    , signumInteger
    , leInteger
    , gtInteger
    , ltInteger
    , geInteger
    , compareInteger
    , gcdInteger
    , lcmInteger
    , andInteger
    , orInteger
    , xorInteger
    , complementInteger
    , shiftLInteger
    , shiftRInteger
    ) where

import GHC.Integer.GMP.Type

GHC doesn't seem to like this at all. It can no longer find the
GHC.Integer.Type.Integer type:

$ "inplace/bin/ghc-stage1"   -H64m -O -fasm    -package-name
base- -hide-all-packages -i -ilibraries/base/.
-Ilibraries/base/dist-install/build/autogen -Ilibraries/base/include
-optPlibraries/base/dist-install/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package
ghc-prim- -package integer-gmp- -package rts-1.0
-package-name base -XHaskell98 -XCPP -O -dcore-lint
-no-user-package-conf -rtsopts     -odir
libraries/base/dist-install/build -hidir
libraries/base/dist-install/build -stubdir
libraries/base/dist-install/build -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -c
libraries/base/./Data/Maybe.hs -o

    Can't find interface-file declaration for type constructor or
class integer-gmp:GHC.Integer.Type.Integer
      Probable cause: bug in .hi-boot file, or inconsistent .hi file
      Use -ddump-if-trace to get an idea of which file caused the error
    When deriving the instance for (Eq (Maybe a))

Here's the -ddump-if-trace log:

$ "inplace/bin/ghc-stage1"   -H64m -O -fasm    -package-name
base- -hide-all-packages -i -ilibraries/base/.
-Ilibraries/base/dist-install/build/autogen -Ilibraries/base/include
-optPlibraries/base/dist-install/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package
ghc-prim- -package integer-gmp- -package rts-1.0
-package-name base -XHaskell98 -XCPP -O -dcore-lint
-no-user-package-conf -rtsopts     -odir
libraries/base/dist-install/build -hidir
libraries/base/dist-install/build -stubdir
libraries/base/dist-install/build -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -c
libraries/base/./Data/Maybe.hs -o
libraries/base/dist-install/build/Data/Maybe.o -ddump-if-trace
FYI: cannont read old interface file:
    libraries/base/dist-install/build/Data/Maybe.hi: openBinaryFile:
does not exist (No such file or directory)
Considering whether to load base:GHC.Base
Reading interface for base:GHC.Base;
    reason: GHC.Base is directly imported
readIFace libraries/base/dist-install/build/GHC/Base.hi
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Generics
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Generics;
    reason: GHC.Generics is directly imported
updating EPS_
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load base:GHC.Base {- SYSTEM -}
loadHiBootInterface base:Data.Maybe
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Types;
    reason: Checking fixity for :
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Declaration for Monad
Loading decl for GHC.Base.Monad
updating EPS_
buildClass GHC.Base.T:Monad
} ending fork Declaration for Monad
Starting fork { Declaration for Functor
Loading decl for GHC.Base.Functor
updating EPS_
buildClass GHC.Base.T:Functor
} ending fork Declaration for Functor
tcImportDecl GHC.Classes.Eq
Need decl for GHC.Classes.Eq
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Classes {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Classes;
    reason: Need decl for GHC.Classes.Eq
updating EPS_
Starting fork { Declaration for Eq
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.Eq
updating EPS_
buildClass GHC.Classes.T:Eq
} ending fork Declaration for Eq
Starting fork { Declaration for Ord
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.Ord
updating EPS_
buildClass GHC.Classes.T:Ord
} ending fork Declaration for Ord
Starting fork { Declaration for Generic
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Generic
updating EPS_
buildClass GHC.Generics.T:Generic
} ending fork Declaration for Generic
Starting fork { Declaration for D1
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.D1
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for D1
Starting fork { Declaration for C1
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.C1
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for C1
Starting fork { Declaration for S1
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.S1
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for S1
Starting fork { Declaration for NoSelector
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.NoSelector
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.NoSelector
} ending fork Declaration for NoSelector
Starting fork { Declaration for Rec0
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Rec0
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for Rec0
Starting fork { Declaration for Par0
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Par0
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for Par0
Starting fork { Declaration for U1
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.U1
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.U1
} ending fork Declaration for U1
Starting fork { Declaration for V1
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.V1
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.V1
} ending fork Declaration for V1
Starting fork { Declaration for :+:
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.:+:
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.:+:
} ending fork Declaration for :+:
Starting fork { Declaration for :*:
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.:*:
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.:*:
} ending fork Declaration for :*:
Starting fork { Declaration for Datatype
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Datatype
updating EPS_
buildClass GHC.Generics.T:Datatype
} ending fork Declaration for Datatype
Starting fork { Declaration for Constructor
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Constructor
updating EPS_
buildClass GHC.Generics.T:Constructor
} ending fork Declaration for Constructor
Starting fork { Declaration for Selector
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Selector
updating EPS_
mkNewTyConRhs GHC.Generics.NTCo:T:Selector
buildClass GHC.Generics.T:Selector
} ending fork Declaration for Selector
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq[]
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq[]
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq[]
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq[]
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq[]
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqOrdering
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqOrdering
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqOrdering
updating EPS_
Need decl for GHC.Ordering.Ordering
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Ordering {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Ordering;
    reason: Need decl for GHC.Ordering.Ordering
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqOrdering
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqOrdering
Starting fork { Declaration for Ordering
Loading decl for GHC.Ordering.Ordering
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Ordering.Ordering
} ending fork Declaration for Ordering
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqInt
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqInt
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqInt
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqInt
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqInt
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqFloat
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqFloat
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqFloat
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqFloat
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqFloat
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqFixity
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqFixity
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqFixity
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqFixity
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqFixity
Starting fork { Declaration for Fixity
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Fixity
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.Fixity
} ending fork Declaration for Fixity
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqDouble
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqDouble
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqDouble
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqDouble
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqDouble
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqChar
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqChar
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqChar
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqChar
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqChar
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqBool
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqBool
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqBool
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqBool
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqBool
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqAssociativity
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqAssociativity
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqAssociativity
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqAssociativity
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqAssociativity
Starting fork { Declaration for Associativity
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Associativity
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.Associativity
} ending fork Declaration for Associativity
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqArity
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEqArity
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEqArity
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for $fEqArity
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEqArity
Starting fork { Declaration for Arity
Loading decl for GHC.Generics.Arity
updating EPS_
tcIfaceDecl4 GHC.Generics.Arity
} ending fork Declaration for Arity
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple;
    reason: Need home interface for wired-in thing (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,)
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq(,)
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq(,)
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq(,)
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq(,)
Starting fork { Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq()
Starting fork { Declaration for $fEq()
Loading decl for GHC.Classes.$fEq()
updating EPS_
Considering whether to load ghc-prim:GHC.Unit {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Unit;
    reason: Need home interface for wired-in thing ()
updating EPS_
} ending fork Declaration for $fEq()
} ending fork Dict fun GHC.Classes.$fEq()
tcImportDecl GHC.Integer.Type.Integer
Need decl for GHC.Integer.Type.Integer
Considering whether to load integer-gmp:GHC.Integer.Type {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for integer-gmp:GHC.Integer.Type;
    reason: Need decl for GHC.Integer.Type.Integer
updating EPS_

    Can't find interface-file declaration for type constructor or
class integer-gmp:GHC.Integer.Type.Integer
      Probable cause: bug in .hi-boot file, or inconsistent .hi file
      Use -ddump-if-trace to get an idea of which file caused the error
    When deriving the instance for (Eq (Maybe a))

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