Dear all,

Several issues related to the way GMP is included in GHC were publicly 
discussed in the past with the goal of replacing GMP.  As summarised in this 
wiki by Peter Tanski, the main issues were:

(1) Licensing
(2) Memory Structure; Simultaneous Access to GMP by Foreign (C) code in the 
Same Binary.  

My immediate concern is (2) as I develop programs that link with MPFR, which 
uses GMP.  So far I got around the issue by compiling GHC with integer-simple. 
This is fine for me but I feel the need to recompile ghc may be hindering some 
people who would like to try my software that links with MPFR.  I have 
therefore been looking for a way to overcome (2) that could make it to the 
default build of GHC.

As suggested by Simon PJ in this email, a simple way to deal with issue (2) is 
to "*copy* GMP,  changing all the function names".  I recently found some time 
and had a go at implementing this suggestion and it turned out to be quite 
easy.  I described my recipe to do such a "copy" here but currently I have been 
able to test it only on x86 Linux and GHC 7.2.1.

I checked that the renaming makes a difference by running all QuickCheck tests 
of my AERN-Real-MPFR package.  Some of these tests persistently fail when 
compiled with a standard GHC.  All tests succeed with GHC/integer-simple and 
also with GHC 7.2.1 using the renamed GMP.

I was wondering whether such a change (more polished and tested on all common 
platforms) could make it to the future official GHC releases.  If the GHC 
developers would support this change, I would be happy to put more work into it.

I think the following concrete changes would be required in the GHC 
(a) make a ghc build always use the bundled GMP
(b) apply a renaming script onto the GMP tar before adding it to the GHC source 
(c) rename symbols analogously in integer-gmp/cbits/*

An alternative to (b) is to apply the renaming to the GMP sources just before 
building it.

One thing I am not clear about is the impact such a change would have on 
lincensing.  My understanding is that GHC sources include GMP sources and in 
the absence of an installed GMP library, they are statically linked into the 
integer-gmp package.  (Does it mean that the integer-gmp package should be LGPL 
lincensed?)  The suggested changes would mean that this kind of linking would 
happen always, not only when no other GMP library is available on the system.  
In either case, it seems to me that using integer-gmp as a shared library would 
still be OK for producing non-LGPL code.

I would be grateful for your views and guidance.

Best regards,
|o| Michal Konecny <>
|o|    office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

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