On 12/01/2012, Morten Brodersen <morten.broder...@constrainttec.com> wrote:
> Even if Unicode is not required, there is still a fallout. Let's look at
> a simple scenario:
> Somebody uploads a nice useful Haskell module that include a number of
> Unicode symbols.
> Unfortunately most unix/windows/tools/source controls/editors out there
> are Ascii only.

If so, most unix/windows/tools/source controls/editors out there are broken.

> So people who wants to use the module now potentially need to convert
> the code to Ascii (and potentially back again) in order to use it with
> non-Unicode tools.

No, people need to get Unicode (or, better yet, when possible,
code-agnostic) tools.

> Yes it is *of course* doable but all of that just because of a
> *relatively" simple problem to do with how you access record fields? Really?
> That is IMHO a clear example of shooting birds with nuclear rockets.
> Let me suggest that a simple non-nuclear alternative would be for people
> interested in Unicode symbols to use an editor that auto converts from
> Haskell Ascii to Haskell Unicode when loading and (of course) back again
> when saving. You can do that today. You can even pick your own Ascii
> from/to Unicode mapping. No need to argue about whether a symbol is
> prettier than another. All of this without forcing the rest of the
> (couldn't care less about record access syntax) Haskell community to
> have to deal with Unicode :-)

That is (in my opinion) a clear example of shooting foes in heavy
armour with bird-shot. From a muzzle-loader.

> Morten
> On 13/01/12 14:43, Brandon Allbery wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 22:32, Morten Brodersen
>> <morten.broder...@constrainttec.com
>> <mailto:morten.broder...@constrainttec.com>> wrote:
>>     Requiring unicode characters for the Haskell syntax to solve a
>>     *relatively* simple problem is a bad bad idea.
>> Nobody said anything about requiring it.
>> --
>> brandon s allbery allber...@gmail.com <mailto:allber...@gmail.com>
>> wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms

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