Ian Lynagh <igloo <at> earth.li> writes:

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:47:14PM +0000, AntC wrote:
> >
> > Ticket #3356 claims that {-# LANGUAGE NoTraditionalRecordSyntax #-} was 
> > implemented in 7.2.1.
> > 
> > But GHCi v7.2.1 complains "Unsupported extension: 
> > 
> > What (if anything) actually got implemented?
> ghci -XNoTraditionalRecordSyntax does not complain of unsupported extensions 
> for me.
> ...
> Simon
> It was implemented in 7.4.1.
> Thanks
> Ian
Thank you Simon and Ian (and apologies for first posting to the Haskell list).

So I'll upgrade to 7.4, and play with it.

And post a ticket for the more modest idea of suppressing the (monomorphic) 
field selector function.


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