Thank you for your response Edward,

You write that it is usually only evaluated once, do you know the
circumstances under which it is evaluated more than once? I have some
examples of this but they are all very large.

The real issue I was having was actually not with a list but with a
memoised function i.e. something like:
class C a where
  memoised :: Int -> a

Perhaps functions are treated differently?


On 29 June 2012 15:55, Edward Z. Yang <> wrote:
> Hello Jonas,
> Like other top-level definitions, these instances are considered CAFs
> (constant applicative forms), so these instances will in fact usually
> be evaluated only once per type X.
>    import System.IO.Unsafe
>    class C a where
>        dflt :: a
>    instance C Int where
>        dflt = unsafePerformIO (putStrLn "bang" >> return 2)
>    main = do
>        print (dflt :: Int)
>        print (dflt :: Int)
>        print (dflt :: Int)
> ezyang@javelin:~/Dev/haskell$ ./caf
> bang
> 2
> 2
> 2
> Cheers,
> Edward
> Excerpts from Jonas Almström Duregård's message of Fri Jun 29 07:25:42 -0400 
> 2012:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to ensure that functions in a class instance are
>> treated as top level definitions and not re-evaluated?
>> For instance if I have this:
>> >>>
>> class C a where
>>   list :: [a]
>> instance List a => List [a] where
>>   list = permutations list
>> <<<
>> How can I ensure that list :: [[X]] is evaluated at most once for any
>> type X (throughout my program)?
>> I assume this is potentially harmful, since list can never be garbage
>> collected and there may exist an unbounded number of X's.
>> I currently have a solution that uses Typeable to memoise the result
>> of the function based on its type. Is there an easier way?
>> Regards,
>> Jonas

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