On 05/07/12 17:22, wagne...@seas.upenn.edu wrote:
Well, for what it's worth, my vote goes for a multi-argument \case. I find the
comment on the wiki page about mistyping "\case Just x" instead of "\case (Just
x)" a lot a bit disingenuous, since you already need these parens with today's

But you don't need parentheses with today's case. I.e. you write

    \x -> case v of
            Just x -> y
            Nothing -> z

then you would also expect to be able to write

            Just x -> y
            Nothing -> z

And \case looks more like case than like lambda, particularly because it uses layout.

As for single argument \case, I don't really see the need for it, but I am not against. So I'll abstain from voting.


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