On 09/07/2012 15:04, Mikhail Vorozhtsov wrote:
Hi Simon.

On 07/09/2012 08:23 PM, Simon Marlow wrote:
On 07/07/2012 16:07, Strake wrote:
On 07/07/2012, Jonas Almström Duregård <jonas.dureg...@chalmers.se>
Couldn't we use \\ for multi-case lambdas with layout?

If not, these are my preferences in order (all are single argument
1: Omission: "case of". There seems to be some support for this but it
was not included in the summary.
2: Omission with clarification: "\case of"
3: "\of"  - but I think this is a little weird. It's nice to have
short keywords but not at the expense of intuition. The goal here is
to drop the variable name not the case keyword, right?


Well, since this is now suddenly a ranked-choice election, I shall
re-cast my vote:

I think some misunderstanding has crept in - we're not planning to count
votes or anything here.  If you have new suggestions or know of reasons
for/against existing proposals then please post, otherwise there's no
need to post just to express your personal preference.
Could you express your opinion on the case "comma sugar", i.e.

case x, y of
   P1, P2 -> ...
   P3, P4 -> ...

as sugar for

case (# x, y #) of
   (# P1, P2 #) -> ...
   (# P3, P4 #) -> ...

I like this.

and respectively

   P1, P2 -> ...
   P3, P4 -> ...

as sugar for

\x y -> case x, y of
   P1, P2 -> ...
   P3, P4 -> ...

That looks a bit strange to me, because I would expect

    P1, P2 -> ...
    P3, P4 -> ...

to be a function of type (# a, b #) -> ...


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