I'm afraid I've rather lost track of this thread.  Would someone care to 
summarise, on a wiki page perhaps?

I think the story is:

*        Inspired by Nick's idea, Iavor and Pedro have converged on a single, 
type-family-based style for defining singletons.

*        This style no longer requires Any to be a data type, so I can turn it 
back into a type family, which is a Good Thing because it paves the way for an 
eta rule.  RSVP and I'll do that.

*        Iavor mutters about sketchiness, but I'm not sure what that means 

*        I'm not sure how, it at all, it affects Richard's singletons paper


From: Iavor Diatchki [mailto:diatc...@galois.com]
Sent: 12 October 2012 21:11
To: Richard Eisenberg
Cc: Nicolas Frisby; Simon Peyton-Jones; Stephanie Weirich; Conor McBride; 
Subject: Re: PolyKind issue in GHC 7.6.1rc1: How to make a kind a functional 


(summary:  I think Nick's idea works for what's in GHC.TypeLits, and it would 
allow us to switch from `Any` as a constructor to `Any` as a function.)

On 10/11/2012 08:47 PM, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
Iavor and I collaborated on the design of the building blocks of singleton 
types, as we wanted our work to be interoperable. A recent scan through 
TypeLits tells me, though, that somewhere along the way, our designs diverged a 
bit. Somewhere on the to-do list is to re-unify the interfaces, and actually 
just to import TypeLits into Data.Singletons so the definitions are one and the 
same. Iavor, I'm happy to talk about the details if you are.

The module GHC.TypeLits hasn't really changed much since last we talked (the 
Nat1 type is new, but that's only for working with type-level naturals and 
unrelated to this discussion).  I added the SingE class so that my work is 
compatible with Richard's (a simple newtype suffices if we are only interested 
in working with singletons for type-level literals). So we should certainly 
make the two compatible again, let me know what needs to change.

I was just playing around with Nick's idea and here is my version of the code, 
which loads fine (but as I discuss in point 2 bellow I think it is a bit 

import GHC.TypeLits hiding (SingE(..), Kind)
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as Old

data Kind (k :: *) -- discuessed in point 2 bellow

class SingE (any :: Kind k) rep | any -> rep where
  fromSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> rep

instance SingE (any :: Kind Nat) Integer where
  fromSing = Old.fromSing

instance SingE (any :: Kind Symbol) String where
  fromSing = Old.fromSing

I think that there are two interesting points about this code:

1. It is important that the instances are polymorphic because this tells GHC 
that it is allowed to use the instance in any context as long as the kinds 
match, regardless of the actual type.  Note that this is  not
the case if we write the instance using the singleton member of the proxy kind:

data KindProxy (k :: *) = KindProxy

instance SingE ('KindProxy :: KindProxy Nat) Integer where

  fromSing (SNat n) = n
Such instances would only work if GHC could see that the type is 'KindProxy so 
if we have a type variable of the correct kind, the instance would not reduce.  
 This is related to the eta-expansion issue---if we eliminated `Any`, then GHC 
could perform a kind-based improvement to deduce that the type variable must be 
equal to `KindProxy`, because this is the only type with the correct kind.

2. As Nick noticed, we are not doing any fancy type computing in the class, so 
we don't actually need any KindProxy elements---we are just doing overloading 
based on a kind rather than a type.  To emphasize this I made Kind an empty 
type/kind and GHC is still happy: instances are resolved as intended.  But...  
`Kind` has no elements so what are the instances applied to? The only reason 
this works is that GHC has defaulted the instances to use `Any`.   To me this 
seems a bit sketchy.

So what to do?  Changing the code in this style (using the normal non-empty 
proxy) makes sense because I think that it would allow us to change `Any` into 
a type function rather than a type constructor, like Simon did and un-did 
recently.  The reason I think this will work is because now there will be no 
uses of `Any` in the definitions of the instances, it will only appear in the 
uses of the instances.

Furthermore, I think it makes sense for GHC to check that for each use of the 
type function `Any`, the kind where it is used is non-empty.   I'm not sure how 
easy it would be to implement that, so maybe we can deal with it later.


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