Hi all,

Last year, I worked on improving the Utrecht Haskell Compiler (UHC) JavaScript 
backend[1] up to the point where it is now possible to write complete 
JavaScript applications with it. Alessandro Vermeulen then ported one of my web 
applications to the UHC JS backend, and we've started using the result of that 
in production afterwards. The result of these efforts were presented at IFL 
2012 and HIW 2012 by Alessandro and Atze Dijkstra respectively. One of the most 
powerful new features of this backend, in addition to the customised RTS, is 
the small subset of JS we can use when importing JavaScript functions with the 
"js" calling convention. For example, we can import the push() method for 
arrays using (roughly) the following import declaration:

  foreign import js "%1.push(%2)"
    push :: JSArray a -> a -> IO (JSArray a)

Here, we write a small expression in the import declaration, in which the 
object and arguments are numbered. The object argument, %1, corresponds to the 
`JSArray a` in the type signature of `push`, while the method argument %2 
corresponds with the `a` in the type signature. Chris Done drew inspiration 
from this calling convention in designing the FFI for his Fay programming 

One of UHC's nice features is that it is very easy to extend it, due to its 
heavy use of attribute grammars and its sophisticated variability management. 
Working on, and extending the UHC JavaScript backend was relatively easy 
because of this. One of UHC's downsides, however, is that it lags behind on 
supporting advanced language features, such as GADTs, functional dependencies, 
type families, etc. As a result, only a limited number of packages from Hackage 
can be compiled with UHC. In addition, some code requires additional 
workarounds and explicit type signatures, which would be redundant if, e.g., 
fundeps would be available.

In an ideal situation, we can have both the js calling convention from UHC's 
JavaScript backend, and GHC's more advanced language support. Combined, we can 
use most libraries on Hackage, we don't have to worry about the lack of 
language support while designing our JS applications, and we don't have to use 
explicit type annotations in scenarios where, e.g. fundeps, would un-ambiguate 
the situation quite easily. In the near future (i.e. after I have finished my 
MSc thesis), I would like to get started with getting more familiar with GHC's 
internals. In particular, I would like to see if it is possible to implement 
the js calling convention in GHC and have GHC spit out JavaScript, much like 
UHC is currently doing. Before I get started: does the GHC architecture 
currently allow for adding a new calling convention which departs from the 
conventional C FFIs and introduces a custom RTS? If not, where are the current 
major bottlenecks? And would it be possible to remove these bottlenecks, 
without significantly affecting the compilation times, and without affecting 
the performance of generated native code (when the JS backend is not used)?

Any input on this is appreciated :)



[1] http://uu-computerscience.github.com/uhc-js/
[2] http://fay-lang.org
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