On Jan 27, 2013, at 11:21 PM, David Terei <davidte...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe that some Microsoft Research folks at Cambridge got a fairly
> far along implementation of Haskell on Java or .NET many years back
> but concluded it wasn't a good fit. My rusty memory of a conversation
> with Simon Marlow about this was that all the Java libraries basically
> ended up in IO and matching the API and type design up with Haskell
> wasn't very nice.
> Not sure what the motivation is, but you may want to look at VMKit:
> http://vmkit.llvm.org/. It could be a good fit and may be easy to use
> through the LLVM backend.

I had the impression vmkit is for building new vms. I would like to generate 
code that runs on the CLR (aka .NET).


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