Hi there,

I am not hugely familiar with compilers or the particulars of GHC, but am
interested in creating a few programs which manipulate Haskell source code
in particular ways. Two things I would like to be able to do are:

- Swap every occurrence of a particular type for a different / dummy value
of that type.

- Find the line / column number of every place a value of a particular type
is used

>From compiling Haskell programs, it seems clear that GHC performs type
checking, and when I get a compile error it is able extract line and column
information about where I had the error, so it appears as if GHC is
annotating the source with this information as it compiles.

I am struggling to find a lot in the way of learning materials for GHC, but
from trawling through the API documentation (I am using GHC version 7.4.2),
it seems like I can generate an abstract syntax tree via the method:

parseModule :: 

My question is this: what combination of functions do I have to use to get
not only an AST for my source, but an AST annotated with typing information
and line / column number annotations for values within it?

Also, as I am a bit of a newbie to this whole GHC API thing, any pointers
to resources to learn more about it would be enormously appreciated.


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