| Folks, I'm keenly aware that GSoC has a limited timespan; and that there
| has already been much heat generated on the records debate.

I am also keenly aware of this.  I think the plan Ant outlines below makes 
sense; I'll work on it with Adam.

I have, however, realised why I liked the dot idea.  Consider

        f r b = r.foo && b

With dot-notation baked in (non-orthogonally), f would get the type

        f :: (r { foo::Bool }) => r -> Bool -> Bool

With the orthogonal proposal, f is equivalent to
        f r b = foo r && b

Now it depends. 

* If there is at least one record in scope with a field "foo" 
  and no other foo's, then you get the above type

* If there are no records in scope with field "foo"
  and no other foo's, the program is rejected

* If there are no records in scope with field "foo"
  but there is a function "foo", then the usual thing happens.

This raises the funny possibility that you might have to define a local type
        data Unused = U { foo :: Int }
simply so that there *is* at least on "foo" field in scope.

I wanted to jot this point down, but I think it's a lesser evil than falling 
into the dot-notation swamp.  After all, it must be vanishingly rare to write a 
function manipulating "foo" fields when there are no such records around. It's 
just a point to note (NB Adam: design document).


| -----Original Message-----
| From: glasgow-haskell-users-boun...@haskell.org [mailto:glasgow-haskell-
| users-boun...@haskell.org] On Behalf Of AntC
| Sent: 27 June 2013 13:37
| To: glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org
| Subject: Re: Overloaded record fields
| >
| > ... the orthogonality is also an important benefit.
| >  It could allow people like Edward and others who dislike ...
| >  to still use ...
| >
| Folks, I'm keenly aware that GSoC has a limited timespan; and that there
| has already been much heat generated on the records debate.
| Perhaps we could concentrate on giving Adam a 'plan of attack', and help
| resolving any difficulties he runs into. I suggest:
| 1. We postpone trying to use postfix dot:
|    It's controversial.
|    The syntax looks weird whichever way you cut it.
|    It's sugar, whereas we'd rather get going on functionality.
|    (This does mean I'm suggesting 'parking' Adam's/Simon's syntax, too.)
| 2. Implement class Has with method getFld, as per Plan.
| 3. Implement the Record field constraints new syntax, per Plan.
| 4. Implicitly generate Has instances for record decls, per Plan.
|    Including generating for imported records,
|    even if they weren't declared with the extension.
|    (Option (2) on-the-fly.)
| 5. Implement Record update, per Plan.
| 6. Support an extension to suppress generating field selector functions.
|    This frees the namespace.
|    (This is -XNoMonoRecordFields in the Plan,
|     but Simon M said he didn't like the 'Mono' in that name.)
|    Then lenses could do stuff (via TH?) with the name.
|    [Those who've followed so far, will notice that
|     I've not yet offered a way to select fields.
|     Except with explicit getFld method.
|     So this 'extension' is actually 'do nothing'.]
| 7. Implement -XPolyRecordFields, not quite per Plan.
|    This generates a poly-record field selector function:
|        x :: r {x :: t} => r -> t    -- Has r "x" t => ...
|        x = getFld
|     And means that H98 syntax still works:
|        x e     -- we must know e's type to pick which instance
|     But note that it must generate only one definition
|     for the whole module, even if x is declared in multiple data types.
|     (Or in both a declared and an imported.)
|     But not per the Plan:
|     Do _not_ export the generated field selector functions.
|     (If an importing module wants field selectors,
|      it must set the extension, and generate them for imported data
| types.
|      Otherwise we risk name clash on the import.
|      This effectively blocks H98-style modules
|      from using the 'new' record selectors, I fear.)
|     Or perhaps I mean that the importing module could choose
|     whether to bring in the field selector function??
|     Or perhaps we export/import-control the selector function
|     separately to the record and field name???
|     Taking 6. and 7. together means that for the same record decl:
|     * one importing module could access it as a lens
|     * another could use field selector functions
| 8. (If GSoC hasn't expired yet!)
|    Implement ‑XDotPostfixFuncApply as an orthogonal extension ;-).
| AntC
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