On 14-10-21 07:14 AM, Erik Hesselink wrote:
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 11:57 PM, Mario Blažević <mblaze...@stilo.com> wrote:
On 14-10-19 08:10 AM, Erik Hesselink wrote:

Adding an explicit
import can suddenly cause type errors in completely unrelated places
(when it hides an implicit import and the new function is type
incorrect), or worse, can cause semantic change (when it hides an
implicit import and the new function is type correct, but has
different behavior). Remember that not all code is written by the same
person, or in a short time frame, so not everybody might fully
understand every module and every import of the code they're editing.

         Your example requires somebody actively editing the import list. A
code change causes a compile error or worse? That is not all that

But right now, we have a useful property that adding imports and code
to a module does not break or change other code in that module. With
this extension, that changes. I find this kind of local reasoning very
useful, IMHO it's one of the most useful things about Haskell in

Right now, adding an import can certainly cause a compiler error. It can't change the run-time behaviour of a correct module, that is true.

With the proposal, there would be still be a somewhat weaker guarantee: adding an *implicit* import would never change the module's run-time behaviour.

         No, what I find much worse is a cabal update causing an error in a
module that was correct before the update. Consider

module Main where

import Foo (foo)
import Bar

main = foo

         Now suppose Bar came from the package bar-1.0, and the new version
bar-1.0.1 decides to export foo. With the current behaviour, this change
would break my module. With Malcolm's proposal the old code would continue
to work.

That's a very good point. Given that and the above, I don't understand
your conclusion:

         Anyway, count me as +1 on the proposal. It would improve the
long-term stability of Haskell code.

How is adding more ways to break something "improving the long-term stability"?

You seem determined to misunderstand every message in this thread. What I said was that the change from bar-1.0 to bar-1.0.1 breaks the example code *with the current behaviour*. The proposal removes this breakage. Anything that keeps the old code compiling and working with new libraries improves its long-term stability in my book.

Note that the bar-1.0.1 upgrade wasn't even a major version change. This is correct according to the PVP:

Otherwise, if only new bindings, types, classes, non-orphan instances
or modules (but see below) were added to the interface, then A.B may
remain the same but the new C must be greater than the old C.

but it still breaks the example module.

Mind you, while the current proposal only increases the chances that old Haskell code continues to work with new libraries. If my module had defined a function foo itself instead of importing it, the upgrade would still break it. An extended version of the proposal might state that implicitly imported members get shadowed by local definitions as well, but this might be harder to implement. Besides, even this proposal wouldn't protect the importer from new instance imports from clashing with the local ones. There's no shadowing solution in this case.

To summarize, the proposal is not providing any hard guarantees, and it's weakening an existing guarantee (see above). I'm still in favour, because it increases the stability of the legacy Haskell codebase.

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