(Not to be confused with the "hiding import behavior" discussion also going


Currently, I'm able to write "module Foo where" to export everything
defined in Foo.

If, though, I add to the module some definitions which I don't want to

    data Lockbox = MkLockbox Int

    internalFunction = ...

...I then have to explicitly enumerate everything that I *do* want the
module to export, and add to that list each time I add to the module.

I propose that instead, we're able to simply say what we mean:

    module Foo hiding (Lockbox(MkLockbox), internalFunction) where

I think its semantics are immediately clear to the reader.

There's a little bit of bikeshedding that needs to happen (e.g. is "hiding
(Foo(..))" sufficient to hide the type Foo and not just its constructors),
but are people +1 on this? I've frequently wanted this behavior.

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