I agree that mixing template haskell with -prof can be tricky.  It's easier
if you turn off dynamic linking entirely.

As for multi-line string literals, I also think that an explicit syntax
would be nice.  Until then, I usually use:

      [ "Line 1"
      , "Line 2"

which ends up being pretty maintainable and easy to read.

On Fri Jan 23 2015 at 6:16:46 AM Evan Laforge <qdun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I ran into trouble compiling template haskell with -prof, and came
> across the ghc manual "7.9.4. Using Template Haskell with Profiling".
> Unfortunately I can't use its advice directly since I put profiling
> and non-profiling .o files into different directories.  But in
> principle it seems it should work, I just have to get ghc to load TH
> from the debug build directory, which is built with -dynamic, while
> continuing to load from the profile build directory.
> But are there flags to get it to do that?  I'm using "-osuf .hs.o
> -ibuild/profile/obj".  If I put ":build/debug/obj" on the -i line, it
> still seems to find the profiling one.  The ghc manual advice probably
> gets around it by using different -osufs... I guess TH somehow ignores
> -osuf?  Except when I compile the debug version with osuf, if finds
> them fine, so I don't really know how it works.
> Is there a way I can directly tell TH where to look?  It seems awkward
> to rely on all these implicit and seemingly undocumented heuristics.
> And, this is somewhat beside the point, but shouldn't TH theoretically
> be able to load directly from .hs and compile to bytecode like ghci
> can do if it doesn't find the .o file?
> And, even more beside the point, the only reason I'm messing with TH
> is for a really simple (one line) multi-line string literal
> quasiquote.  Surely I'm not the only person who would enjoy a
> -XMultiLineStringLiteral extension?  The alternative seems to be a
> program to add or strip all of the "\n\"s, and when I want to edit,
> copy out, strip, edit, paste back in, add back.  At that point maybe
> it's easier to just get used to all the \s... but then indentation is
> all a bit off due to the leading \.
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