Den 2017-12-02 kl. 21:56, skrev Joachim Breitner:
With a wee bit of higher-order matching, one might make `u` and `v`
functions and instead write:

foo (\ x -> fmap (u x) (v x)) = bar u v

In that case I'd expect `u` and `v` to be synthesized rather than
literally matched. For instance, `foo (\ (a,b) -> fmap (+ a)
[b,b,b])` would match with `u = \ (a,b) -> (+ a)` and `v = \ (a,b) ->

That would be nice and interesting, but we don’t do that now,

And of course higher-order pattern matching is quite a can of worms. I
implemented it in but that was a much simpler
setting than a complex typed language like Core.

Implementing some form of higher-order pattern matching might actually
be doable, but would it be reliable? When does it become undecidable?

Miller's pattern unification is quite useful for rewriting, and the above example falls within that (all meta-variables are applied only to object variables). Rewriting based on pattern unification is decidable and efficient; see this paper:

However, that paper assumes a normalized representation, so I'm not sure how well it would work in a compiler like GHC.

/ Emil


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