My cabal v2 seemed to be using 00 indices.  Much to my confusion.  Maybe I
should reinstall it and check my config ;)

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 5:25 PM Brandon Allbery <> wrote:

> Correct: cabal-install 1.x still uses the old index format (00-index). The
> logic is different for 01-index, in order to support incremental update
> (appending when possible, instead of always having to download the whole
> thing again like with 00-index).
> On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 1:38 PM, Nathan Collins <>
> wrote:
>> In case this confuses anyone else, I think this PSA only applies if
>> you're using cabal-install version 2.*, but please correct me if I'm
>> wrong.
>> I had some ~/.cabal/packages/* files, but
>> not any 01-index.* files, and running `cabal update` didn't change
>> that. Then I noticed I was using cabal-install version When
>> I upgraded to cabal-install version and did another `cabal
>> update` the 01-index.* files appeared.
>> Cheers,
>> -nathan
>> On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Gershom B <> wrote:
>> > Dear Haskellers,
>> >
>> > A recent update to hackage, which fixed up the 01-index.tar.gz file,
>> > revealed a bug in existing versions of cabal-install, when index files
>> > are cleaned up. This bug means that the `cabal update` command, which
>> > updates the hackage index file, will fail silently and leave the old
>> > file in place. It is easy to get things working again, but it requires
>> > manual intervention. Here is the most straightforward way to get
>> > things working again:
>> >
>> > On gnu/linux or mac: rm ~/.cabal/packages/
>> > On windows: remove the same files, but from
>> > %appdata%\cabal\packages\
>> >
>> > rerun `cabal update` to fetch a new 01-index.
>> >
>> > Apologies all for the inconvenience and any confusion this may have
>> > caused. There is a PR to fix this behavior in the works, but since the
>> > problem is on the client side, the fix will only improve the
>> > situations for new versions of `cabal`.
>> >
>> > Happy New Years to all, and cheers to a very functional 2018,
>> > Gershom
>> >
>> > p.s.: since the problem comes in unpacking the 01-index.tar.gz into
>> > the 01-index.tar, you can also just untar that file in place manually,
>> > or force cabal into doing the same by running `touch
>> > ~/.cabal/packages/`
>> <>
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> brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine
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