On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 at 14:28, Tim Woodall via GLLUG
<gllug@mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
> Does anyone know whether the default debian grub-xen stuff allows you to
> select the grub root?
> I have a bootable xen image that uses grub from /dev/xvda2. I also have
> one that uses grub from /dev/vg-mirror/boot. (the vg is inside the disk
> I export to the guest, not the vg of dom0)
> I want to be able to boot the former, but have the latter available to
> mount. But it is insistent that it will use the vg boot in favour of the
> raw ext3 one.

I have not used xen in a long time so cannot help there.
From my experience with grub, sometimes you have to manually configure
what the possible boot devices are.
But, have you considered Linux's own VM tech, using KVM and QEMU ?
It has a nice option of loading the kernel before starting the VM,
thus bypassing the need for grub entirely.
virt-manager is an OK GUI to get going with it. There are also various
web based tools to manage the VMs also.

I have been playing with an AMD Vega GPU passthru on it recently, and
fixed a QEMU bug on the way.
AMD developers are very easy to get hold of when needed.
Works very nicely, and stably now.

Kind Regards


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