On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 11:01:42AM +0100, Chris Bell via GLLUG wrote:
> Hello Frank,
> You could find that you get an improvement by using a replacement lower front 
> panel VDSL filter for the incoming BT NTE5 termination box which will block 
> the 
> data from entering your internal telephone wiring. It will bypass the line 
> filter in the standard box, which destroys the balance between the wires, and 
> replace it with another after the data has been isolated, preventing your 
> telephone wiring from acting as tuned aerial stubs.
> -- 
> Chris Bell
> Website http://chrisbell.org.uk

Back in the day when ADSL2 came in I acquired a NTE5 termination box an
purchased a replacement faceplate from Solwise and connected to my
router using a shielded RJ45 cable. When I updated to FTTC in 2017 I
replaced the faceplate with a VDSL one from Solwise. I found no
difference in sync rate between the two.
 I put it badly, but the point I was intending to make was that 70Mbs
from a 80Mbs nominal line was not bad. As usual John W. made the point
more clearly and concisely.

    .^.     .''`. 
    /V\    : ;`  :   Frank Scott  Sutton, London
  /(   )\  `. ''`    <fr...@frank-scott.me.uk>
   ^^ ^^     `-      

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