On 01/01/2021 16:14, Chris Bell via GLLUG wrote:
Hello Mark
Knoppix appears to show sda as a 2TB disk partitioned using GPT which will
install a GPT partition immediately after the space normally used by the DOS
MBR to provide more space for information about multiple main partitions, not
just the maximum of 4 physical partitions in the old MS-DOS. Most computers
search for the MBR, so it is used to re-direct the BIOS to the GPT partition.
The main boot sequence is then controlled from the GPT partition, and none of
the other partitions will be labelled as bootable.
  I often see some unallocated space at either end of the disc space, usually
less than 1 sector, but most of sda appears to be a single partition, possibly
using a swap file instead of a swap partition.
Perhaps the disc was re-partitioned as a GPT disc, which would overwrite the
original MS-DOS system, but then just left not further partitioned or
There appears to be more information about sdb and its partitions without
mention of corruption.
If sda is corrupted do not try to alter it. There was a package "photorec"
designed to recover deleted photos which was later enhanced to recover almost
anything and may be re-named "testdisk". It is not a quick and easy recovery,
but can examine, list, recover, and copy as many directories and files as
possible to another formatted disc.

Hi all,

Just an update to this thread.

I found the information posted by Chris above and John Edwards previously very useful. I also found the web-page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery helpful. I took my time to back up the unallocated hard drive in various ways using two 4TB external hard drives, before using scalpel to obtain the spreadsheet files I was really interested in (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22542527/recovering-odt-file-using-scalpel for an example of how to do this). Then I used gparted to restore the partition table on the actual hard drive itself.

 I tried to reboot the hard drive but this failed due, I think, to the lack of a /boot/EFI. I could see all the files on the various other partitions though using Knoppix. So, I resorted to trying various Linux distributions such as Debian, Mint, and eventually Red Hat. All from various Linux Magazine or Linut Format CDs. The Red Hat CD was useful in that it appeared to put the EFI file in a 130GB partition that I had created for a new "home" directory. Nevertheless it still wouldn't boot for some reason. However, after that I was able to use Linux Mint (which hadn't worked previously) to get a bootable system. Eventually I was able to transfer the EFI directory to a much smaller partition, and use the 130GB partition as a new home partition.

Currently the disk looks like this:

root@mark-H97-HD3:/home/mark# parted -l
Model: ATA ST2000DX001-1CM1 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 2000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags
 2      1049kB  538MB   537MB   primary   fat32
 1      539MB   149GB   149GB   extended
 8      539MB   12.0GB  11.5GB  logical   ext4
 5      12.0GB  13.0GB  1023MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)
 6      13.0GB  130GB   117GB   logical   ext4
 7      130GB   149GB   18.8GB  logical   linux-swap(v1)  boot
 3      149GB   2000GB  1851GB  primary   ext4

Number 8 is /dev/sda8 the / directory, and number 3 is /dev/sda3 which is now my "backup" partition and holds all the files that were in my previous home directory. The /dev/sda6 partition contains the new home directory. I'm not too sure what number 1 (/dev/sda1) is doing at the moment. My guess is not a lot, or why the linux-swap(v1) has the boot label, but at least the system is up and running, and the HMRC basic tools is also working. Anyway, thank you GLLUG.



Mark Preston

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