On Monday, 19 July 2021 13:40:28 BST Tim Woodall via GLLUG wrote:

> Ah, yes. I misread the OP.
> https://community.bt.com/t5/Archive-Staging/IPV6-Settings/td-p/1699523
> and
> https://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2016/11/bt-broadband-lines-now-support
> -ipv6-internet-addresses.html
> Seems to suggest that you should get a /56. Does the OP get a /64 from
> the same /56 each time or is it a different /56 each time?

I have re-checked, and the IPv6 address appears to have settled, and that 
could be true, although I am unable to check at the moment. So far I am not 
sure about DNS
Chris Bell
Website chrisbell.org.uk

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