On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Miller Peterson

> Hi,
> I posted a little while ago about a speech interface to Globulation 2:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/glob2-devel/2009-02/msg00027.html
> I'm on a really tight schedule (~2 weeks) to get this working due to
> my own procrastination, so I'm cutting some corners: I'm going to use
> the Java Sphinx-4 recognizer to get audio data from the microphone and
> process it and then pass command messages to Glob2 via TCP/IP sockets.
> I realize that this would probably break VOIP, but I don't have time
> at the moment to implement streaming audio data captured in Glob2 to
> the recognizer.
> So I'm trying at this point just to get Glob2 receiving command
> messages (strings) over TCP/IP from the Java recognizer. I figured I'd
> use the NetListener class to accept connections, and then create a new
> kind of NetMessage for my voice commands, which would come through the
> NetConnection object provided by the NetListener. My problem is that I
> don't know how to format messages on the Java recognizer side of
> things so that they will can be decoded as NetMessages. Does it seem
> like it would be possible to get Java to send data over the TCP/IP
> socket that will be appropriately handled as NetMessages?
> Hope this makes sense,
> Miller

The messages are encoded in a Binary Stream, and you will need to look into
the BinaryStream class to read how it handles endian independence and such.
Anytime you see OutputStream*, by far the most common one is BinaryStream
Extra cheese comes at a cost. Bradley Arsenault.
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