About Evolutions, 

I had the same problem that Clinton Byrne

In my society , they have a small budget for evolutions and they were 
ready to pay for these evolutions.
unfortunatly, there is no "Official commercial team" so I can ask for an 
external team to make these evolutions.

But  When the product evolve, I lost my modifications.
Today we make some changes on the product to add some small functionnality 
(I have a big issue in how to give back our evolution to community)

this aren't big things but for each evolution we update from 2 to 10 files 
and I would prefer these evolutions to be integrated in the product

1) For myself  > No need to reapply patch on the official product
2) For the other users > They take advantage of the evolutions

Of course each evolution will not be interesting to everyOne,

As the GLPI team is not so big, perhaps a Glpi manager could try to 
negociate a partnership with an entreprise Service (I see a mail from 
someone of Atos)
so the evolution would be supervised by a member of the GLPI team but 
realised by Atos (it is an exemple of entreprise)

If it is always the same entreprise that make the change the code will be 
more coherent and easier to integrate

Guillaume Brusset
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