Voilà le patch, j'ai testé un peu dans tous les sens, ça a l'air bon.

J'ai déplacé les coûts dans un onglet, je ne l'ai pas fini, je vais
bosser dessus aujourd'hui et envoyé un patch ce soir. D'ailleurs, sur
les coûts, ne devrait on pas ajouter un champ coût horaire à chaque
technicien (sur sa fiche user) pour que ça se calcule automatiquement et
correctement lors de la mise à jour d'un suivi? Quitte à ce que je taffe
sur les coûts, autant aller au bout ;)

Le Sun, 6 Sep 2009 19:12:27 +0200
David DURIEUX <d.duri...@siprossii.com> a écrit:

>Le patch avec tout corrigé (version complète du patch)
>Le Sun, 6 Sep 2009 17:35:14 +0200
>David DURIEUX <d.duri...@siprossii.com> a écrit:
>>Voilà le fichier corrigé, y avait une erreur
>>Le Sun, 6 Sep 2009 17:13:00 +0200
>>David DURIEUX <d.duri...@siprossii.com> a écrit:
>>>Voici le patch d'uniformisation des 2 formulaires Helpdesk (création
>>>+ édition).
>>>j'ai enlevé le cadre coût, je renverai un patch pour l'onglet "coût"
>>>dans la semaine.
>>>Il restera à ajuster des petites choses suivant les chantiers
>>>(document => dans un onglet et SLA (champ "date d'échéance" à ajouter
>>>dans ce form)
>>>David DURIEUX
>>>Tel : +33 (0)
>>>Port : +33 (0)
>>>Mail : d.duri...@siprossii.com
>>>Site Web : http://www.siprossii.com/
>>>847 route de Frans (Créacité)
>>>69400 Villefranche sur Saône
# This patch file was generated by NetBeans IDE
# Following Index: paths are relative to: /usr/local/www/data-dist/glpi080
# This patch can be applied using context Tools: Patch action on respective folder.
# It uses platform neutral UTF-8 encoding and \n newlines.
# Above lines and this line are ignored by the patching process.
Index: front/helpdesk.php
--- front/helpdesk.php Base (BASE)
+++ front/helpdesk.php Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
@@ -45,25 +45,25 @@
-if (isset($_POST["_my_items"])&&!empty($_POST["_my_items"])){
+if (isset($_POST["_my_items"])&&!empty($_POST["_my_items"])) {
-	if (count($splitter)==2){
+	if (count($splitter)==2) {
-if (!isset($_POST["add"]))
+if (!isset($_POST["add"])) {
 	$post_ticket = false;
+} else {
 	$post_ticket = true;
-if (!isset($_POST["entities_id"]))
+if (!isset($_POST["entities_id"])) {
 	$entity_restrict = $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"];
+} else {
 	$entity_restrict = $_POST["entities_id"];
 if (isset($_GET["itemtype"])) $itemtype=$_GET["itemtype"];
 else if (isset($_SESSION["helpdeskSaved"]["itemtype"])) $itemtype=$_SESSION["helpdeskSaved"]["itemtype"];
 else $itemtype=0;
@@ -171,7 +171,23 @@
 } else {
-	addFormTracking($itemtype,$computer,$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],$users_id,$group,$users_id_assign,$groups_id_assign,$name,$content,$ticketscategories_id,$priority,$request_type,$hour,$minute,$date,$entity_restrict,$status,$followup);
+   $array = array(
+                  "users_id" => $users_id,
+                  "group" => $group,
+                  "users_id_assign" => $users_id_assign,
+                  "groups_id_assign" => $groups_id_assign,
+                  "name" => $name,
+                  "content" => $content,
+                  "ticketscategories_id" => $ticketscategories_id,
+                  "priority" => $priority,
+                  "request_type" => $request_type,
+                  "hour" => $hour,
+                  "minute" => $minute,
+                  "date" => $date,
+                  "entity_restrict" => $entity_restrict,
+                  "status" => $status,
+                  "followup" => $followup);
+	showJobDetails($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, $array);
Index: inc/tracking.function.php
--- inc/tracking.function.php Base (BASE)
+++ inc/tracking.function.php Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
@@ -769,260 +769,262 @@
-function addFormTracking ($itemtype=0,$ID=0, $target, $users_id, $group=0, $users_id_assign=0, $groups_id_assign=0, $name='',$content='',$ticketscategories_id=0, $priority=3,$request_type=1,$hour=0,$minute=0,$date,$entity_restrict,$status=1,$followup=array()) {
-	/// Prints a nice form to add jobs
-	if (!haveRight("create_ticket","1")) return false;
+//function addFormTracking ($itemtype=0,$ID=0, $target, $users_id, $group=0, $users_id_assign=0, $groups_id_assign=0, $name='',$content='',$ticketscategories_id=0, $priority=3,$request_type=1,$hour=0,$minute=0,$date,$entity_restrict,$status=1,$followup=array()) {
+//	/// Prints a nice form to add jobs
+//	if (!haveRight("create_ticket","1")) return false;
+//	$add_url="";
+//	if ($itemtype>0){
+//		$add_url="?itemtype=$itemtype&amp;items_id=$ID";
+//	}
+//	echo "<br><form name='form_ticket' method='post' action='$target$add_url' enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
+//	echo "<div class='center'>";
+//	echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr><th colspan='4'>".$LANG['job'][13];
+//	if (haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")){
+//		echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+//		dropdownStatus("status",$status);
+//	}
+//	echo '<br>';
+//	if ($itemtype>0){
+//		$m=new CommonItem;
+//		$m->getFromDB($itemtype,$ID);
+//		echo $m->getType()." - ".$m->getLink();
+//	}
+//	echo "<input type='hidden' name='items_id' value=\"$ID\">";
+//	echo "<input type='hidden' name='itemtype' value=\"$itemtype\">";
+//	/// Set default entity
+//	if (!haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
+//		echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='".$entity_restrict."'>";
+//	}
+//	echo "</th></tr>";
+//	$users_id_rand=0;
+//	if (haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
+//		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' alig
+//	$users_id_rand=0;n='center'><td>".$LANG['job'][4].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td colspan='3' align='center'>";
+//		///Check if the user have access to this entity only, or subentities too
+//		if (haveAccessToEntity($_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"],true)){
+//            $entities = getSonsOf("glpi_entities",$_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"]);
+//      } else {
+//			$entities = $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"];
+//      }
+//		//List all users in the active entity (and all it's sub-entities if needed)
+//		$users_id_rand=dropdownAllUsers("users_id",$users_id,1,$entities,1);
+//		//Get all the user's entities
+//		$all_entities = getUserEntities($users_id, true);
+//		$values = array();
+//		//For each user's entity, check if the technician which creates the ticket have access to it
+//		foreach ($all_entities as $tmp => $ID)
+//			if (haveAccessToEntity($ID))
+//				$values[]=$ID;
+//		$count = count($values);
+//		if ($count>0 && !in_array($entity_restrict,$values)) {
+//			// If entity is not in the list of user's entities,
+//			// then use as default value the first value of the user's entites list
+//			$entity_restrict = $values[0];
+//		}
+//		//If user have access to more than one entity, then display a combobox
+//		if ($count > 1) {
+//			$rand = dropdownValue("glpi_entities", "entities_id", $entity_restrict, 1, $values,'',array(),1);
+//		} else {
+//			echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='".$entity_restrict."'>";
+//		}
+//		echo "</td></tr>";
+//	}
+//	//If multi-entity environment, display the name of the entity on which the ticket will be created
+//	if (isMultiEntitiesMode()){
+//		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' align='center'>";
+//		echo "<th colspan='4'>";
+//		echo $LANG['job'][46].":&nbsp;".getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$entity_restrict);
+//		echo "</th></tr>";
+//	}
+//	$users_id_rand=0;
+//	if (haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
+//		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' align='center'>";
+//		echo "<td>".$LANG['common'][35].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td align='center' colspan='3'><span id='span_group'>";
+//		//Look for group in the entities. If it's not present, then do not use default combobox value
+//		if (isGroupVisibleInEntity($group,$entity_restrict))
+//			$group_visible = $group;
+//		else
+//			$group_visible = '';
+//		dropdownValue("glpi_groups","groups_id",$group_visible,1,$entity_restrict);
+//		echo "</span></td></tr>";
+//	}
+//	if ($itemtype==0 && $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_hardware"]!=0){
+//		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
+//		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['help'][24].": </td>";
+//		echo "<td align='center' colspan='3'>";
+//		dropdownMyDevices($users_id,$entity_restrict);
+//		dropdownTrackingAllDevices("itemtype",$itemtype,0,$entity_restrict);
+//		echo "</td></tr>";
+//	}
+//	if (haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
+//		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td class='center'>".$LANG['common'][27].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td align='center' class='tab_bg_2'>";
+//		showDateTimeFormItem("date",$date,1);
+//		echo "</td>";
+//		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['job'][44].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td class='center'>";
+//		dropdownRequestType("request_type",$request_type);
+//		echo "</td></tr>";
+//	}
+//	// Need comment right to add a followup with the realtime
+//	if (haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")){
+//		echo "<tr  class='tab_bg_2'>";
+//		echo "<td class='center'>";
+//		echo $LANG['job'][20].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td align='center' colspan='3'>";
+//		dropdownInteger('hour',$hour,0,100);
+//		echo "&nbsp;".$LANG['job'][21]."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+//		dropdownInteger('minute',$minute,0,59);
+//		echo "&nbsp;".$LANG['job'][22]."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+//		echo "</td></tr>";
+//	}
+//	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
+//	echo "<td class='tab_bg_2' align='center'>".$LANG['joblist'][2].":</td>";
+//	echo "<td align='center' class='tab_bg_2'>";
+//	dropdownPriority("priority",$priority);
+//	echo "</td>";
+//	echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['common'][36].":</td>";
+//	echo "<td class='center'>";
+//	dropdownValue("glpi_ticketscategories","ticketscategories_id",$ticketscategories_id);
+//	echo "</td></tr>";
+//	if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")||haveRight("steal_ticket","1")||haveRight("own_ticket","1")){
+//		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' align='center'><td>".$LANG['buttons'][3].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td colspan='3'>";
+//		//Try to assign the ticket to an user. Look if it's visible in the entites
+//		$ents_assign = getUserEntities($users_id_assign,true);
+//		if (in_array($entity_restrict,$ents_assign))
+//			$assign_tech = $users_id_assign;
+//		else
+//			$assign_tech = 0;
+//		if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")){
+//			echo $LANG['job'][6].": ";
+//			dropdownUsers("users_id_assign",$assign_tech,"own_ticket",0,1,$entity_restrict,0);
+//			echo "<br>".$LANG['common'][35].": <span id='span_group_assign'>";
+//			//Look for group in the entities. If it's not present, then do not use default combobox value
+//			if (isGroupVisibleInEntity($groups_id_assign,$entity_restrict))
+//				$group_visible = $groups_id_assign;
+//			else
+//				$group_visible = '';
+//			dropdownValue("glpi_groups", "groups_id_assign", $group_visible,1,$entity_restrict);
+//			echo "</span>";
+//		} else { // own or steal active
+//			echo $LANG['job'][6].":";
+//			dropdownUsers("users_id_assign",$assign_tech,"id",0,1,$entity_restrict,0);
+//		}
+//		echo "</td></tr>";
+//	}
+//	if(isAuthorMailingActivatedForHelpdesk()){
+//		$query="SELECT email from glpi_users WHERE id='$users_id'";
+//		$result=$DB->query($query);
+//		$email="";
+//		if ($result&&$DB->numrows($result))
+//			$email=$DB->result($result,0,"email");
+//		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+//		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['help'][8].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td class='center'>";
+//		dropdownYesNo('use_email_notification',!empty($email));
+//		echo "</td>";
+//		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['help'][11].":</td>";
+//		echo "<td><span id='user_email_result'>";
+//		echo "<input type='text' size='30' name='user_email' value='$email'>";
+//		echo "</span>";
+//		echo "</td></tr>";
+//	}
+//	echo "</table><br><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
+//	echo "<tr><th class='center'>".$LANG['common'][57].":";
+//	echo "</th><th colspan='3' class='left'>";
+//	echo "<input type='text' size='80' name='name' value=\"".cleanInputText($name)."\">";
+//	echo "</th> </tr>";
+//	echo "<tr><th colspan='4' align='center'>".$LANG['job'][11].":";
+//	echo "</th></tr>";
+//	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td colspan='4' align='center'><textarea cols='100' rows='6'  name='content'>$content</textarea></td></tr>";
+//	$max_size=return_bytes_from_ini_vars(ini_get("upload_max_filesize"));
+//	$max_size/=1024*1024;
+//	$max_size=round($max_size,1);
+//	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>".$LANG['document'][2]." (".$max_size." ".$LANG['common'][45]."):	";
+//	echo "<img src=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/aide.png\"class='pointer;' alt=\"aide\"onClick=\"window.open('".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/typedoc.list.php','Help','scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=1000,height=500')\">";
+//	echo "</td>";
+//	echo "<td colspan='3'><input type='file' name='filename' value=\"\" size='25'></td>";
+//	echo "</tr>";
+//	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+//	echo "<td colspan='2' class='center'><a href='$target'><img title=\"".$LANG['buttons'][16]."\" alt=\"".$LANG['buttons'][16]."\" src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/reset.png' class='calendrier'></a></td>";
+//	echo "<td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' name='add' value=\"".$LANG['buttons'][2]."\" class='submit'>";
+//	echo "</td></tr></table>";
+//	if (haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")){
+//	echo "<br>";
+//		showAddFollowupForm(-1,false,$followup);
+//	}
+//	echo "</div></form>";
-	$add_url="";
-	if ($itemtype>0){
-		$add_url="?itemtype=$itemtype&amp;items_id=$ID";
-	}
-	echo "<br><form name='form_ticket' method='post' action='$target$add_url' enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
-	echo "<div class='center'>";
-	echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr><th colspan='4'>".$LANG['job'][13];
-	if (haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")){
-		echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-		dropdownStatus("status",$status);
-	}
-	echo '<br>';
-	if ($itemtype>0){
-		$m=new CommonItem;
-		$m->getFromDB($itemtype,$ID);
-		echo $m->getType()." - ".$m->getLink();
-	}
-	echo "<input type='hidden' name='items_id' value=\"$ID\">";
-	echo "<input type='hidden' name='itemtype' value=\"$itemtype\">";
-	/// Set default entity
-	if (!haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
-		echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='".$entity_restrict."'>";
-	}
-	echo "</th></tr>";
-	$users_id_rand=0;
-	if (haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' align='center'><td>".$LANG['job'][4].":</td>";
-		echo "<td colspan='3' align='center'>";
-		///Check if the user have access to this entity only, or subentities too
-		if (haveAccessToEntity($_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"],true)){
-            $entities = getSonsOf("glpi_entities",$_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"]);
-      } else {
-			$entities = $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"];
-      }
-		//List all users in the active entity (and all it's sub-entities if needed)
-		$users_id_rand=dropdownAllUsers("users_id",$users_id,1,$entities,1);
-		//Get all the user's entities
-		$all_entities = getUserEntities($users_id, true);
-		$values = array();
-		//For each user's entity, check if the technician which creates the ticket have access to it
-		foreach ($all_entities as $tmp => $ID)
-			if (haveAccessToEntity($ID))
-				$values[]=$ID;
-		$count = count($values);
-		if ($count>0 && !in_array($entity_restrict,$values)) {
-			// If entity is not in the list of user's entities,
-			// then use as default value the first value of the user's entites list
-			$entity_restrict = $values[0];
-		}
-		//If user have access to more than one entity, then display a combobox
-		if ($count > 1) {
-			$rand = dropdownValue("glpi_entities", "entities_id", $entity_restrict, 1, $values,'',array(),1);
-		} else {
-			echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='".$entity_restrict."'>";
-		}
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-	}
-	//If multi-entity environment, display the name of the entity on which the ticket will be created
-	if (isMultiEntitiesMode()){
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' align='center'>";
-		echo "<th colspan='4'>";
-		echo $LANG['job'][46].":&nbsp;".getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$entity_restrict);
-		echo "</th></tr>";
-	}
-	$users_id_rand=0;
-	if (haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' align='center'>";
-		echo "<td>".$LANG['common'][35].":</td>";
-		echo "<td align='center' colspan='3'><span id='span_group'>";
-		//Look for group in the entities. If it's not present, then do not use default combobox value
-		if (isGroupVisibleInEntity($group,$entity_restrict))
-			$group_visible = $group;
-		else
-			$group_visible = '';
-		dropdownValue("glpi_groups","groups_id",$group_visible,1,$entity_restrict);
-		echo "</span></td></tr>";
-	}
-	if ($itemtype==0 && $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["helpdesk_hardware"]!=0){
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
-		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['help'][24].": </td>";
-		echo "<td align='center' colspan='3'>";
-		dropdownMyDevices($users_id,$entity_restrict);
-		dropdownTrackingAllDevices("itemtype",$itemtype,0,$entity_restrict);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-	}
-	if (haveRight("update_ticket","1")){
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td class='center'>".$LANG['common'][27].":</td>";
-		echo "<td align='center' class='tab_bg_2'>";
-		showDateTimeFormItem("date",$date,1);
-		echo "</td>";
-		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['job'][44].":</td>";
-		echo "<td class='center'>";
-		dropdownRequestType("request_type",$request_type);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-	}
-	// Need comment right to add a followup with the realtime
-	if (haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")){
-		echo "<tr  class='tab_bg_2'>";
-		echo "<td class='center'>";
-		echo $LANG['job'][20].":</td>";
-		echo "<td align='center' colspan='3'>";
-		dropdownInteger('hour',$hour,0,100);
-		echo "&nbsp;".$LANG['job'][21]."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-		dropdownInteger('minute',$minute,0,59);
-		echo "&nbsp;".$LANG['job'][22]."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-	}
-	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
-	echo "<td class='tab_bg_2' align='center'>".$LANG['joblist'][2].":</td>";
-	echo "<td align='center' class='tab_bg_2'>";
-	dropdownPriority("priority",$priority);
-	echo "</td>";
-	echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['common'][36].":</td>";
-	echo "<td class='center'>";
-	dropdownValue("glpi_ticketscategories","ticketscategories_id",$ticketscategories_id);
-	echo "</td></tr>";
-	if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")||haveRight("steal_ticket","1")||haveRight("own_ticket","1")){
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2' align='center'><td>".$LANG['buttons'][3].":</td>";
-		echo "<td colspan='3'>";
-		//Try to assign the ticket to an user. Look if it's visible in the entites
-		$ents_assign = getUserEntities($users_id_assign,true);
-		if (in_array($entity_restrict,$ents_assign))
-			$assign_tech = $users_id_assign;
-		else
-			$assign_tech = 0;
-		if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")){
-			echo $LANG['job'][6].": ";
-			dropdownUsers("users_id_assign",$assign_tech,"own_ticket",0,1,$entity_restrict,0);
-			echo "<br>".$LANG['common'][35].": <span id='span_group_assign'>";
-			//Look for group in the entities. If it's not present, then do not use default combobox value
-			if (isGroupVisibleInEntity($groups_id_assign,$entity_restrict))
-				$group_visible = $groups_id_assign;
-			else
-				$group_visible = '';
-			dropdownValue("glpi_groups", "groups_id_assign", $group_visible,1,$entity_restrict);
-			echo "</span>";
-		} else { // own or steal active
-			echo $LANG['job'][6].":";
-			dropdownUsers("users_id_assign",$assign_tech,"id",0,1,$entity_restrict,0);
-		}
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-	}
-	if(isAuthorMailingActivatedForHelpdesk()){
-		$query="SELECT email from glpi_users WHERE id='$users_id'";
-		$result=$DB->query($query);
-		$email="";
-		if ($result&&$DB->numrows($result))
-			$email=$DB->result($result,0,"email");
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
-		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['help'][8].":</td>";
-		echo "<td class='center'>";
-		dropdownYesNo('use_email_notification',!empty($email));
-		echo "</td>";
-		echo "<td class='center'>".$LANG['help'][11].":</td>";
-		echo "<td><span id='user_email_result'>";
-		echo "<input type='text' size='30' name='user_email' value='$email'>";
-		echo "</span>";
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-	}
-	echo "</table><br><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
-	echo "<tr><th class='center'>".$LANG['common'][57].":";
-	echo "</th><th colspan='3' class='left'>";
-	echo "<input type='text' size='80' name='name' value=\"".cleanInputText($name)."\">";
-	echo "</th> </tr>";
-	echo "<tr><th colspan='4' align='center'>".$LANG['job'][11].":";
-	echo "</th></tr>";
-	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td colspan='4' align='center'><textarea cols='100' rows='6'  name='content'>$content</textarea></td></tr>";
-	$max_size=return_bytes_from_ini_vars(ini_get("upload_max_filesize"));
-	$max_size/=1024*1024;
-	$max_size=round($max_size,1);
-	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>".$LANG['document'][2]." (".$max_size." ".$LANG['common'][45]."):	";
-	echo "<img src=\"".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/aide.png\"class='pointer;' alt=\"aide\"onClick=\"window.open('".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/typedoc.list.php','Help','scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=1000,height=500')\">";
-	echo "</td>";
-	echo "<td colspan='3'><input type='file' name='filename' value=\"\" size='25'></td>";
-	echo "</tr>";
-	echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
-	echo "<td colspan='2' class='center'><a href='$target'><img title=\"".$LANG['buttons'][16]."\" alt=\"".$LANG['buttons'][16]."\" src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/reset.png' class='calendrier'></a></td>";
-	echo "<td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' name='add' value=\"".$LANG['buttons'][2]."\" class='submit'>";
-	echo "</td></tr></table>";
-	if (haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")){
-	echo "<br>";
-		showAddFollowupForm(-1,false,$followup);
-	}
-	echo "</div></form>";
 function getTrackingFormFields($_POST)
 	$params = array(
@@ -1878,18 +1880,36 @@
-function showJobDetails ($target,$ID){
+function showJobDetails($target, $ID,$array=array()) {
 	global $DB,$CFG_GLPI,$LANG;
 	$job=new Job();
-	$canupdate=haveRight("update_ticket","1");
+	$canupdate=haveRight('update_ticket','1');
-	if (haveRight('user','r')){
+	if (haveRight('user','r')) {
-	if ($job->getFromDB($ID)&&haveAccessToEntity($job->fields["entities_id"])) {
+	if ($job->getFromDB($ID)&&haveAccessToEntity($job->fields['entities_id'])) {
-		if (!$job->canView()){
+   } else {
+      $job->getEmpty();
+      $job->fields["users_id"] = $array["users_id"];
+      $job->fields["group"] = $array["group"];
+      $job->fields["users_id_assign"] = $array["users_id_assign"];
+      $job->fields["groups_id_assign"] = $array["groups_id_assign"];
+      $job->fields["name"] = $array["name"];
+      $job->fields["content"] = $array["content"];
+      $job->fields["ticketscategories_id"] = $array["ticketscategories_id"];
+      $job->fields["priority"] = $array["priority"];
+      $job->fields["request_type"] = $array["request_type"];
+      $job->fields["hour"] = $array["hour"];
+      $job->fields["minute"] = $array["minute"];
+      $job->fields["date"] = $array["date"];
+      $job->fields["entity_restrict"] = $array["entity_restrict"];
+      $job->fields["status"] = $array["status"];
+      $job->fields["followup"] = $array["followup"];
+   }
+   if (!$job->canView()) {
 			return false;
@@ -1897,229 +1917,338 @@
 		$item=new CommonItem();
-		//echo "<div class='center'>";
-		echo "<form method='post' name='form_ticket' action='$target'  enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
-		echo "<div class='center' id='tabsbody'>";
+   $canupdate_descr=$canupdate||($job->numberOfFollowups()==0&&$job->fields['users_id']==$_SESSION['glpiID']);
+   $item=new CommonItem();
+   $item->getFromDB($job->fields['itemtype'],$job->fields['items_id']);
+   echo '<form method="post" name="form_ticket" action="'.$target.'" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
+   echo '<div class="center" id="tabsbody">';
 		echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe' cellpadding='5'>";
-		// OPtional line
-		if (isMultiEntitiesMode()){
-			echo "<tr><th colspan='3'>";
-			echo getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$job->fields["entities_id"]);
-			echo "</th></tr>";
+   if ($ID == '0') {
+      echo '<tr>';
+      echo '<th colspan="4">';
+      echo $LANG['job'][13];
+      echo '</th>';
+      echo '</tr>';
+   // Optional line
+   if (isMultiEntitiesMode()) {
+      echo '<tr>';
+      echo '<th colspan="4">';
+      if ($ID == 0) {
+         echo $LANG['job'][46].":&nbsp;".getDropdownName("glpi_entities",$job->fields['entity_restrict']);
+      } else {
+         echo getDropdownName('glpi_entities',$job->fields['entities_id']);
+      }
+      echo '</th>';
+      echo '</tr>';
+   }
-		// First line
-		echo "<tr><th colspan='2' style='text-align:left;'><table><tr><td><span class='tracking_small'>";
-		echo $LANG['joblist'][11].": </span></td><td>";
-		showDateTimeFormItem("date",$job->fields["date"],1,false,$canupdate);
+   echo "<tr>";
+   echo "<th style='text-align:left;' colspan='2' width='50%'>";
-		echo "</td><td><span class='tracking_small'>&nbsp;&nbsp; ".$LANG['job'][2]." &nbsp; </span></td><td>";
+   echo "<table>";
+   echo "<tr>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   echo "<span class='tracking_small'>";
+   echo $LANG['joblist'][11].": </span>";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   if ($ID == "0") {
+      showDateTimeFormItem("date",date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),1);
+   } else {
+      showDateTimeFormItem("date",$job->fields["date"],1,false,$canupdate);
+   }
+   echo "</td>";
+   if ($ID > 0) {
+      echo "<td>";
+      echo "<span class='tracking_small'>&nbsp;&nbsp; ".$LANG['job'][2]." &nbsp; </span>";
 		if ($canupdate){
 		} else {
 			echo getUserName($job->fields["users_id_recipient"],$showuserlink);
+      echo "</td>";
+      if (strstr($job->fields["status"],"old_")) {
+         echo "<td>";
+         echo "<table>";
+         echo "<tr>";
+         echo "<td>";
+         echo "<span class='tracking_small'>".$LANG['joblist'][12].": ";
+         echo "</td>";
+         echo "<td>";
-		echo "</td></tr></table>";
-		if (strstr($job->fields["status"],"old_")){
-			echo "<table><tr><td>";
-			echo "<span class='tracking_small'>".$LANG['joblist'][12].": </td><td>";
-			echo "</span></td></tr></table>\n";
+         echo "</span>";
+         echo "</td>";
+         echo "</tr>";
+         echo "</table>\n";
+         echo "</td>";
+      echo "</tr>";
+   }
+   echo "</table>";
 		echo "</th>";
-		echo "<th><span class='tracking_small'>".$LANG['common'][26].":<br>";
+   echo "<th colspan='2' width='50%'>";
+   if ($ID > 0 ) {
+      echo "<span class='tracking_small'>".$LANG['common'][26].":<br>";
 		echo convDateTime($job->fields["date_mod"])."\n";
+      echo "</span>";
+   }
+   echo "</th>";
+   echo "</tr>";
-		echo "</span></th></tr>";
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
-		// Premier Colonne
-		echo "<td class='top' width='27%'>";
-		echo "<table cellpadding='3'>";
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['joblist'][0].":</td><td>";
-		if ($canupdate){
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td class='left' width='60'>";
+   echo $LANG['joblist'][0].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   if ($canupdate) {
 		} else {
 			echo getStatusName($job->fields["status"]);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<th class='center' colspan='2'><strong>";
+   echo $LANG['job'][4].":";
+   echo "</strong></th>";
+   echo "</tr>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   echo $LANG['joblist'][29].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   // TODO : PUT Urgence
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   if (($ID == "0") AND (haveRight("update_ticket","1"))) {
+      echo $LANG['job'][4].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
-		echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['joblist'][2].":</td><td>";
-		if ($canupdate)
-			dropdownPriority("priority",$job->fields["priority"]);
-		else echo getPriorityName($job->fields["priority"]);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
+      ///Check if the user have access to this entity only, or subentities too
+      if (haveAccessToEntity($_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"],true)){
+            $entities = getSonsOf("glpi_entities",$_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"]);
+      } else {
+         $entities = $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"];
+      }
-		echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['common'][36].":</td><td >";
-		if ($canupdate)
-			dropdownValue("glpi_ticketscategories","ticketscategories_id",$job->fields["ticketscategories_id"]);
-		else echo getDropdownName("glpi_ticketscategories",$job->fields["ticketscategories_id"]);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
+      //List all users in the active entity (and all it's sub-entities if needed)
+      $users_id_rand=dropdownAllUsers("users_id",$array["users_id"],1,$entities,1);
-		echo "<tr><td class='center' colspan='2'><strong>";
-		echo $LANG['job'][4].":</strong></td></tr>";
+      //Get all the user's entities
+      $all_entities = getUserEntities($array["users_id"], true);
+      $values = array();
-		echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['common'][34].":</td><td>";
-		if ($canupdate){
+      //For each user's entity, check if the technician which creates the ticket have access to it
+      foreach ($all_entities as $tmp => $ID_entity) {
+         if (haveAccessToEntity($ID_entity)) {
+            $values[]=$ID_entity;
+         }
+      }
+      $count = count($values);
+      if ($count>0 && !in_array($array["entity_restrict"],$values)) {
+         // If entity is not in the list of user's entities,
+         // then use as default value the first value of the user's entites list
+         $entity_restrict = $values[0];
+      }
+      //If user have access to more than one entity, then display a combobox
+      if ($count > 1) {
+         $rand = dropdownValue("glpi_entities", "entities_id", $array["entity_restrict"], 1, $values,'',array(),1);
+      } else {
+         echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='".$array["entity_restrict"]."'>";
+      }
+   } else if ($canupdate){
+      echo $LANG['common'][34].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
 		} else {
+      echo $LANG['common'][34].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
 			echo getUserName($job->fields["users_id"],$showuserlink);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "</tr>";
-		echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['common'][35].":</td><td>";
-		if ($canupdate){
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   echo $LANG['joblist'][30].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   // TODO : PUT Impact
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   echo $LANG['common'][35].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   if ($canupdate) {
 		} else {
 			echo getDropdownName("glpi_groups",$job->fields["groups_id"]);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "</tr>";
-		echo "</table></td>";
-		// Deuxieme colonne
-		echo "<td class='top' width='33%'>";
-		echo "<table>";
-		echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['job'][44].":</td><td>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   echo $LANG['joblist'][2].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
 		if ($canupdate)
-			dropdownRequestType("request_type",$job->fields["request_type"]);
-		else echo getRequestTypeName($job->fields["request_type"]);
-		echo "</td></tr>";
+      dropdownPriority("priority",$job->fields["priority"]);
+   else echo getPriorityName($job->fields["priority"]);
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<th class='center' colspan='2'><strong>";
+   echo $LANG['job'][5].":";
+   echo "</strong></th>";
+   echo "</tr>";
-		echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['common'][1].":</td><td>";
-		if ($canupdate){
-			if (haveTypeRight($job->fields["itemtype"],'r')){
-				echo $item->getType()." - ".$item->getLink(1);
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   echo $LANG['common'][36].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td >";
+   if ($canupdate) {
+      dropdownValue("glpi_ticketscategories","ticketscategories_id",$job->fields["ticketscategories_id"]);
 			} else {
-				echo $item->getType()." ".$item->getNameID();
+      echo getDropdownName("glpi_ticketscategories",$job->fields["ticketscategories_id"]);
-			dropdownTrackingAllDevices("itemtype",$job->fields["itemtype"],1,$job->fields["entities_id"]);
-		}
-		else {
-			echo $item->getType()." ".$item->getNameID();
-		}
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-		echo "<tr><td class='center' colspan='2'><strong>";
-		echo $LANG['job'][5].":</strong></td></tr>";
-		if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")){
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['job'][6].":</td><td>";
+   echo "</td>";
+   if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")) {
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['job'][6].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
-			echo "</td></tr>";
+      echo "</td>";
 		} else if (haveRight("steal_ticket","1")) {
-			echo "<tr><td class='right'>";
-			echo $LANG['job'][6].":</td><td>";
+      echo "<td class='right'>";
+      echo $LANG['job'][6].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
-			echo "</td></tr>";
-		} else if (haveRight("own_ticket","1") && $job->fields["users_id_assign"]==0){
-                        echo "<tr><td class='right'>";
-                        echo $LANG['job'][6].":</td><td>";
+      echo "</td>";
+   } else if (haveRight("own_ticket","1") && $job->fields["users_id_assign"]==0) {
+      echo "<td class='right'>";
+      echo $LANG['job'][6].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
-                        echo "</td></tr>";
+      echo "</td>";
                 } else {
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['job'][6].":</td><td>";
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['job'][6].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
 			echo getUserName($job->fields["users_id_assign"],$showuserlink);
-			echo "</td></tr>";
+      echo "</td>";
+   echo "</tr>";
-		if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")){
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['common'][35].":</td><td>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   echo $LANG['job'][44].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   if ($canupdate) {
+      dropdownRequestType("request_type",$job->fields["request_type"]);
+   } else {
+      echo getRequestTypeName($job->fields["request_type"]);
+   }
+   echo "</td>";
+   if (haveRight("assign_ticket","1")) {
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['common'][35].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
-			echo "</td></tr>";
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['financial'][26].":</td><td>";
-			dropdownValue("glpi_suppliers","suppliers_id_assign",$job->fields["suppliers_id_assign"],1,$job->fields["entities_id"]);
-			echo "</td></tr>";
+      echo "</td>";
 		} else {
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['common'][35].":</td><td>";
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['common'][35].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
 			echo getDropdownName("glpi_groups",$job->fields["groups_id_assign"]);
-			echo "</td></tr>";
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['financial'][26].":</td><td>";
-			echo getDropdownName("glpi_suppliers",$job->fields["suppliers_id_assign"]);
-			echo "</td></tr>";
+      echo "</td>";
-		echo "</table>";
+   echo "</tr>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td class='left'>";
+   echo $LANG['common'][1].":";
 		echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+   if ($canupdate) {
+      if (haveTypeRight($job->fields["itemtype"],'r')){
+         echo $item->getType()." - ".$item->getLink(1);
+      } else {
+         echo $item->getType()." ".$item->getNameID();
+      }
+      if ($ID  == 0) {
+         dropdownMyDevices($array["users_id"],$array["entity_restrict"]);
+      }
+      dropdownTrackingAllDevices("itemtype",$job->fields["itemtype"],1,$job->fields["entities_id"]);
+   } else {
+      echo $item->getType()." ".$item->getNameID();
+   }
+   echo "</td>";
-		// Troisieme Colonne
-		echo "<td class='top' width='20%'>";
-		echo "<table border='0'>";
-		echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-		echo $LANG['job'][20].":</td><td>";
-		echo "<strong>".getRealtime($job->fields["realtime"])."</strong>";
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-		if(haveRight("contract","r")){  // admin = oui on affiche les couts liés à l'interventions
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			// cout
-			echo $LANG['job'][40].": ";
-			echo "</td><td><input type='text' maxlength='100' size='15' name='cost_time' value=\"".formatNumber($job->fields["cost_time"],true)."\"></td></tr>";
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['job'][41].": ";
-			echo "</td><td><input type='text' maxlength='100' size='15' name='cost_fixed' value=\"".formatNumber($job->fields["cost_fixed"],true)."\">";
-			echo "</td></tr>\n";
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['job'][42].": ";
-			echo "</td><td><input type='text' maxlength='100' size='15' name='cost_material' value=\"".formatNumber($job->fields["cost_material"],true)."\">";
-			echo "</td></tr>\n";
-			echo "<tr><td class='left'>";
-			echo $LANG['job'][43].": ";
-			echo "</td><td><strong>";
-			echo trackingTotalCost($job->fields["realtime"],$job->fields["cost_time"],$job->fields["cost_fixed"],$job->fields["cost_material"]);
-			echo "</strong></td></tr>\n";
+   if ((haveRight("assign_ticket","1")) AND ($ID != "0")) {
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['financial'][26].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
+      dropdownValue("glpi_suppliers","suppliers_id_assign",$job->fields["suppliers_id_assign"],1,$job->fields["entities_id"]);
+      echo "</td>";
+   } else {
+      if ($ID != "0") {
+         echo "<td class='left'>";
+         echo $LANG['financial'][26].":";
+         echo "</td>";
+         echo "<td>";
+         echo getDropdownName("glpi_suppliers",$job->fields["suppliers_id_assign"]);
+         echo "</td>";
+      } else {
+         // Need comment right to add a followup with the realtime
+         if ((haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")) AND ($ID == "0")){
+            echo "<td class='left'>";
+            echo $LANG['job'][20].":";
+            echo "</td>";
+            echo "<td align='center' colspan='3'>";
+            dropdownInteger('hour',$array['hour'],0,100);
+            echo "&nbsp;".$LANG['job'][21]."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+            dropdownInteger('minute',$array['minute'],0,59);
+            echo "&nbsp;".$LANG['job'][22]."&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+         } else {
+            echo "<td colspan='2'>";
-		echo '</table>';
-		echo "</td></tr>";
+         echo "</td>";
+      }
+   }
+   echo "</tr>";
-		// Deuxieme Ligne
-		// Colonnes 1 et 2
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td colspan='2'>";
-		echo "<table width='99%' >";
-		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='2'>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<th>";
+   echo $LANG['common'][57]." : ";
+   echo "</th>";
+   echo "<th>";
 		if ($canupdate_descr){
 			echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
 			echo "function showName$rand(){\n";
 				echo "Ext.get('name$rand').setDisplayed('none');";
-					'size'=>80,
+            'size'=>50,
@@ -2136,6 +2265,11 @@
 			echo "<div id='viewname$rand'>\n";
 			echo "</div>\n";
+      if ($ID == 0) {
+         echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n
+         showName$rand();
+         </script>";
+      }
 			//echo "<input type='text' maxlength='250' size='80' name='name' value=\"".$job->fields["name"]."\">";
 		} else {
 			if (empty($job->fields["name"])){
@@ -2144,10 +2278,19 @@
 				echo $job->fields["name"];
-		echo "</th></tr>";
-		echo "<tr  class='tab_bg_2'><td width='15%'>".$LANG['joblist'][6]."</td>";
-		echo "<td  width='85%' class='left'>";
+   echo "</th>";
+   echo "<th colspan='2'>";
+   if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]==1) {
+      echo $LANG['title'][10];
+   }
+   echo "</th>";
+   echo "</tr>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td rowspan='5'>";
+   echo $LANG['joblist'][6];
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td class='left' rowspan='5'>";
 		if ($canupdate_descr){ // Admin =oui on autorise la modification de la description
 			echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
@@ -2155,7 +2298,7 @@
 				echo "Ext.get('desc$rand').setDisplayed('none');";
-					'cols'=>60,
+            'cols'=>50,
@@ -2172,62 +2315,81 @@
 			echo "<div id='viewdesc$rand'>\n";
 			echo "</div>\n";
-		} else echo nl2br($job->fields["content"]);
+      if ($ID == 0) {
+         echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n
+         showDesc$rand();
+         </script>";
+      }
+   } else {
+      echo nl2br($job->fields["content"]);
+   }
 		echo "</td>";
-		echo "</tr>";
-		echo "</table>";
-		echo "</td>";
-		// Colonne 3
-		echo "<td class='top'>";
 		// Mailing ? Y or no ?
 		if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]==1){
-			echo "<table><tr><td class='right'>";
-			echo $LANG['job'][19].":</td><td>";
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['job'][19].":";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
 			if ($canupdate){
 			} else {
 				if ($job->fields["use_email_notification"]) echo $LANG['choice'][1];
 				else $LANG['choice'][0];
-			echo "</td></tr>";
+   } else {
+      echo "<td colspan='2'>&nbsp;";
+   }
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "</tr>";
-			echo "<tr><td class='right'>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   // Mailing ? Y or no ?
+   if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"] == 1) {
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
 			echo $LANG['joblist'][27].":";
-			echo "</td><td>";
-			if ($canupdate){
-				autocompletionTextField("user_email","glpi_tickets","user_email",$job->fields["user_email"],15,$job->fields["entities_id"]);
-				if (!empty($job->fields["user_email"]))
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
+      if ($canupdate) {
+         autocompletionTextField("user_email","glpi_tickets","user_email",$job->fields["user_email"],35,$job->fields["entities_id"]);
+         if (!empty($job->fields["user_email"])) {
 					echo "<a href='mailto:".$job->fields["user_email"]."'><img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/edit.png' alt='Mail'></a>";
-			} else if (!empty($job->fields["user_email"]))
+         }
+      } else if (!empty($job->fields["user_email"])) {
 				echo "<a href='mailto:".$job->fields["user_email"]."'>".$job->fields["user_email"]."</a>";
-			else echo "&nbsp;";
-			echo "</td></tr></table>";
+      } else {
+         echo "&nbsp;";
+      echo "</td>";
+   } else {
+       echo "<td colspan='2'>&nbsp;";
+   }
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "</tr>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<th colspan='2'>";
+   echo $LANG['document'][21];
+   echo "</th>";
+   echo "</tr>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+   echo "<td valign='top' colspan='2'>";
 		// File associated ?
 		$query2 = "SELECT *
 			FROM glpi_documents_items
 			WHERE glpi_documents_items.items_id = '".$job->fields["id"]."' AND glpi_documents_items.itemtype = '".TRACKING_TYPE."' ";
 		$result2 = $DB->query($query2);
-		echo "<table width='100%'><tr><th colspan='2'>".$LANG['document'][21]."</th></tr>";
+   echo "<table width='100%'>";
 		if ($numfiles>0){
 			$doc=new Document;
 			while ($data=$DB->fetch_array($result2)){
-				echo "<tr><td>";
+         echo "<tr>";
+         echo "<td>";
 				if (empty($doc->fields["filename"])){
 					if (haveRight("document","r")){
@@ -2244,44 +2406,78 @@
                   "&amp;documents_id=".$data["documents_id"]."'><img src='".
                   $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/delete.png' alt='".$LANG['buttons'][6]."'></a>";
-				echo "</td></tr>";
+         echo "</td>";
+         echo "</tr>";
 		if ($canupdate||haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")
-			echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>";
+      echo "<tr>";
+      echo "<td colspan='2'>";
 			echo "<input type='file' name='filename' size='20'>";
 			if ($canupdate&&haveRight("document","r")){
 				echo "<br>";
-			echo "</td></tr>";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "</tr>";
 		echo "</table>";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "</tr>";
-		echo "</td></tr>";
-		// Troisi�e Ligne
 		if ($canupdate||$canupdate_descr||haveRight("comment_all_ticket","1")
+      ) {
-			){
-			echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td colspan='3' class='center'>";
-			echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='update' value='".$LANG['buttons'][14]."'></td></tr>";
+      echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
+      echo "<td colspan='4' class='center'>";
+      if ($ID == "0") {
+            echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"".$LANG['buttons'][2]."\" class='submit'>";
+      } else {
+         echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='update' value='".$LANG['buttons'][14]."'>";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "</tr>";
+   }
 		echo "</table>";
 		echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$ID'>";
 		echo "</div>";
+   if ($ID == 0) {
+      $commentall=haveRight("update_followups","1");
+      $prefix="";
+      $postfix="";
+      $randfollow=mt_rand();
+      echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
+      echo "function showFollow$randfollow(){\n";
+      echo "document.getElementById('follow$randfollow').style.display='block';\n";
+      echo "}";
+      echo "</script>\n";
+      // Follow for add ticket
+      echo "<br/>";
+      echo "<div class='center'>";
+      echo "<a href='javascript:onClick=showFollow$randfollow()'>".$LANG['job'][29]."</a>";
+      echo "<div id='follow$randfollow' style='display:none'>";
+      showAddFollowupForm(-1,false);
+      echo "</div>";
+   }
+   echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$ID'>";
+   echo "</div>";
 		echo "</form>";
 		return true;
-	} else {
-		echo "<div class='center'><strong>".$LANG['common'][54]."</strong></div>";
-		return false;
 function showFollowupsSummary($tID){
 	global $DB,$LANG,$CFG_GLPI;
@@ -2438,7 +2634,7 @@
 	echo $LANG['job'][29];
 	echo "</th></tr>";
-	if ($commentall){
+	if ($commentall) {
 	} else {
@@ -2869,4 +3065,82 @@
 	return false;
+function showJobCost($target,$ID) {
+   global $DB,$LANG;
+   $job=new Job();
+   $job->getFromDB($ID)&&haveAccessToEntity($job->fields["entities_id"]);
+   echo "<form method='post' name='form_ticket_cost' action='$target' >\n";
+	echo "<div class='center' id='tabsbody'>";
+	echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe' cellpadding='5'>";
+   echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>";
+   echo $LANG['job'][47];
+   echo "</th></tr>";
+   echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
+	echo "<td class='left'>";
+	echo $LANG['job'][20].":";
+   echo "</td>";
+   echo "<td>";
+	echo "<strong>".getRealtime($job->fields["realtime"])."</strong>";
+	echo "</td>";
+   echo "</tr>";
+	if(haveRight("contract","r")){  // admin = oui on affiche les couts liés à l'interventions
+      echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+   	echo $LANG['job'][40].": ";
+		echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
+      echo "<input type='text' maxlength='100' size='15' name='cost_time' value=\"".formatNumber($job->fields["cost_time"],true)."\">";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "</tr>";
+		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+		echo $LANG['job'][41].": ";
+		echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
+      echo "<input type='text' maxlength='100' size='15' name='cost_fixed' value=\"".formatNumber($job->fields["cost_fixed"],true)."\">";
+		echo "</td>";
+      echo "</tr>\n";
+		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['job'][42].": ";
+		echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td>";
+      echo "<input type='text' maxlength='100' size='15' name='cost_material' value=\"".formatNumber($job->fields["cost_material"],true)."\">";
+      echo "</td>";
+      echo "</tr>\n";
+		echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
+      echo "<td class='left'>";
+      echo $LANG['job'][43].": ";
+		echo "</td>";
+      echo "<td><strong>";
+      echo trackingTotalCost($job->fields["realtime"],$job->fields["cost_time"],$job->fields["cost_fixed"],$job->fields["cost_material"]);
+      echo "</strong></td>";
+      echo "</tr>\n";
+   }   
+   echo "</table>";
Index: fr_FR.php
--- fr_FR.php Base (BASE)
+++ fr_FR.php Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
@@ -723,6 +723,7 @@
 $LANG['job'][43]="Coût total";
 $LANG['job'][44]="Source de la demande";
 $LANG['job'][46]="Ticket créé dans l'entité";

 $LANG['joblist'][1]="Seulement les miens";
@@ -747,7 +748,12 @@
 $LANG['joblist'][26]="En attente";
 $LANG['joblist'][27]="Email pour le suivi";
 $LANG['joblist'][28]="Tickets sur les éléments liés";
+$LANG['joblist'][31]="Date d'échéance";

 $LANG['knowbase'][1]="Foire aux questions";
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