
I have coded a Proof Of Concept (for FusionInventory plugin usage) but
can be used for ticket system.

The problem : for a ticket escalation, we must delete each the groups
and/or technicians, click on update button and after refresh, click on
add button, select group or technician and click again on update

This is heavy to manage with lot's of click and refresh of the page.

Solution : use more javascript to remove and add groups/technicians.

The Proof Of Concept (POC) : I use same system for next version of
FusionInventory but using more javascript and it's a little better to

You can try on my server with glpi 0.83 devel version : 

1/ Connect on http://glpipoc.siprossii.com/
Login : glpi
password : poc

2/  go to url :

3/ Go on second tab named "Job 1" and after you can try this system in
"Job - ID 1 (Entité racine)" table and in row named "Définition"

If you think this system is better, I can update it to the ticket form
and send patch. 

David Durieux

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