On 01/05/2014, at 9:01 AM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
> On 05/01/2014 04:07 AM, Dan Lambright wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In a previous job, an engineer in our storage group modified our I/O stack 
>> logs in a manner similar to your proposal #1 (except he did not tell anyone, 
>> and did it for DEBUG messages as well as ERRORS and WARNINGS, over the 
>> weekend). Developers came to work Monday and found over a thousand log 
>> message strings had been buried in a new header file, and any new logs 
>> required a new message id, along with a new string entry in the header file.
>> This did render the code harder to read. The ensuing uproar closely mirrored 
>> the arguments (1) and (2) you listed. Logs are like comments. If you move 
>> them out of the source, the code is harder to follow. And you probably wan't 
>> fewer message IDs than comments.
>> The developer retracted his work. After some debate, his V2 solution 
>> resembled your "approach #2". Developers were once again free to use plain 
>> text strings directly in logs, but the notion of "classes" (message ID) was 
>> kept. We allowed multiple text strings to be used against a single class, 
>> and any new classes went in a master header file. The "debug" message ID 
>> class was a general purpose bucket and what most coders used day to day.
>> So basically, your email sounded very familiar to me and I think your 
>> proposal #2 is on the right track.
> +1. Proposal #2 seems to be better IMO.

+1 Agreed. :)

+ Justin

Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat


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