On 11/06/2014, at 3:32 PM, Justin Clift wrote:
> Reminder!!!
> The weekly Gluster Community meeting is in 30 mins, in
> #gluster-meeting on IRC.
> This is a completely public meeting, everyone is encouraged
> to attend and be a part of it. :)

Thanks everyone for attending.  This meeting ran slightly
over time (1:07), but we covered a lot of ground.


 * GlusterFS 3.4.4 has been released, but a serious bug in
   all GlusterFS 3.4.x releases so far has been found.  Initial
   patch to fix it will be tested tomorrow.

   If the test is successful (expected so), then 3.4.4-2 will
   be released shortly afterwards

 * We're still finding bugs in 3.5.x series.  The soon-to-be-
   released 3.5.1 will address the most important ones.  3.5.2
   will address the rest, and anything that shows up after

 * John Mark has proposed a "Gluster++" distribution of
   Gluster.  He'll email gluster-devel (and maybe
   gluster-users) with the details.

Meeting Minutes:


Full logs:


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

GlusterFS - http://www.gluster.org

An open source, distributed file system scaling to several
petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.

My personal twitter: twitter.com/realjustinclift

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