On 24/07/2014, at 5:05 AM, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
> Harshavardhana <har...@harshavardhana.net> wrote:
>>> The change just disable cluster/ec when MMX is not there. If you have
>>> MMX you have cluster/ec.
>> Unsure - there is assembly code which depends on it but really not sure why!
> I understand this is an optimized computation:
> * Multiplications in a GF(2^8) with modulus 0x11D using XOR's
> Optimization are desirable, but relying on a CPU-specific assembly seems
> wrong to me, as it kills portability (what about if you want to run on
> ARM?)

That's a good point.  There is definitely Fedora ARM and other non-x86
architectures around that we shouldn't be ruling out.

Surely there's some way we can make this work, such that the optimised
assembler code is only used for cpu's the support it.  With non-optimised
C or something used for the others.


+ Justin

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