On 11/09/2014, at 2:51 AM, Luis Pabón wrote:
> I think the real question is, Why do we depend on core files?  What does it 
> provide?  If we rethink how we may do debugging, we may realize that we only 
> require core files because we are used to it and it is familiar to us.  Now, 
> I am not saying that core files are not useful, but I am saying that we may 
> be able to do most of the necessary debugging by other means.
> For example, debugging systems running OpenStack Swift which uses Python 
> stack traces has been much easier than analyzing C core files.  Just my 
> experience.
> I would not say that because Go, Java, Ruby, or Python do not create core 
> files, that it would be hard to debug.  Instead we need to learn new ways of 
> debugging.  Just my $0.02 :-)

Yeah, I'm no expert. :)

My understanding of our core file usage, is to capture (in a
fairly detailed way) the code path of what went wrong when
something unexpectedly caused an application crash.  We can
then copy that file around (with appropriate matching binaries?)
to a machine for proper investigation.

As long as there's an equivalent kind of approach, it should
be ok.  If not, then we should probably ping the Go Community
and find out their recommendations (or submit a feature
request). :)

+ Justin

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