Is it not possible to view the patches if not logged in? I think public access(read only) need to be enabled.


On 04/20/2015 08:35 AM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
On 04/20/2015 04:25 AM, Justin Clift wrote:
The good news:

1) Gerrit is kind of :/ updated.  The very very latest versions
    (released friday) don't work properly for us.  So, we're running
    on the slightly older v2.9.4 release of Gerrit.

    It's a lot newer than what we were running though. ;)

2) The GitHub integration seems to be working.  When you next to to, it'll get you to authenticate via

The bad news:

1) The first time you authenticate to GitHub it will create a brand
    new account for you, that doesn't have many useful permissions.

    You will need to email Vijay, Humble, or myself with the account
    number it creates for you + with your GitHub username.

      Your account number will probably be something like 10006xx.
      Mine was 1000668.

    This new account id needs to be merged into your existing one
    manually by a Gerrit admin.  It's not hard, and only needs to be
    done once. :)

The procedure for migration from an admin perspective is quite involved and account migrations are better done in batches. Instead of mailing any of us directly, can you please update the gerrit migration etherpad [1] once you have signed in using github? This might be a slightly more optimal way of doing this migration :). We will pick up details from the etherpad at a regular frequency.

Thanks for taking the trouble & apologies for any inconvenience caused in advance!



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