On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 12:04:17PM -0700, Joe Julian wrote:
> On 05/07/2015 11:15 AM, Jeff Darcy wrote:
> >Last week, those of us who were together in Bangalore had a meeting to
> >discuss the GlusterFS 4.0 plan.  Once we'd covered what's already in
> >the plan[1] we had a very productive brainstorming session on what else
> >we might want to consider adding.  Here are some of my notes, in no
> >particular order, for discussion either here on the list or in person at
> >the upcoming Barcelona summit.
> >

> >* Hot-spare nodes/bricks
> -1 From what I've seen, most users are against spending money on hardware
> that's not being used. An auto-rebalance, or some such mechanism, to ensure
> redundancy after a failure would be much more welcome.

Actually, hot-spares (bricks or nodes) is quite a common
question/request that I got from users who spoke to me at conferences.
Something like an auto-rebalance would definitely be useful too. I guess
the same detect-failure-and-fix framework would be used to make a
(configurable?) decision to do a rebalance or replace-brick.


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