On 06/03/2015 07:29 PM, Csaba Henk wrote:
FYI -- efforts so far and perspectives as of my
As noted, the "Smart volume management" group is a
singleton, but that single element is tricky. We
have heard promises of a glusterd rewrite that would
include the intelligence / structure for such a feature;
also we toyed around implementing a partial version of
it with configuration management software (Ansible) but
that was too experimental (the whole concept) to dedicate
ourselves to it, so we discontinued that.
OTOH, the directory level features are many but can
possibly be addressed with a single well chosen volume
variant (something like lv-s for all top level
directories?) -- plus the UI would needed to be tailored
to them.
The query features are not vital but have the advantage
of being simpler (especially the size query) which would
be a reason for putting them on the schedule.
What we would like: prioritize between "Directory level
operations" and "Smart volume management" and make a plan
for that and execute that plan.
Hi Csaba - Thanks for the detailed write up!
Would you be able to provide more light on the nature of features/APIs
planned to be exposed through Manila in Liberty? Having that information
can play an important part in prioritizing and arriving at a decision.
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