On November 2, 2015 at 12:09:45 PM, Emmanuel Dreyfus (m...@netbsd.org) wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 02, 2015 at 11:50:25AM -0500, Jeff Darcy wrote:
> > I should have caught this problem (mea culpa) but ?break the world? is a
> > bit hyperbolic. ?The world? is broken much of the time, because very
> > few of the developers on this project know how to fix *BSD portability
> > problems. How would they, when nobody ever tries to educate them in
> > review comments or elsewhere?
> Well, I never refused ot help on that front. I just cannot keep up
> with the change stream, so people just have to ask.

None of us can keep up with the change stream.  :(  What’s the best way
to ask, in your case?  Add you as a reviewer within Gerrit?  Separate
email?  Anything else that would maximize efficiency when people ask for

Also, you’re still only one person whose responsibilities include much
more than Gluster.  Several others have picked up bits and pieces of
knowledge about how to make sure things work on *BSD.  How do we make
sure they are also aware of “BSD blockers” in areas they might not be
watching?  Would a separate Gerrit flag for BSD verification help?  Or a
gluster-bsd mailing list?
Gluster-devel mailing list

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