On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 5:28 AM, Vijay Bellur <vbel...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We will be migrating our Gerrit and (possibly) Jenkins services from the
> current hosted infrastructure on Friday, 12th February. To accomplish the
> migration, we will have a downtime for these services starting at 0900 UTC.
> We expect the migration to be complete by 1700 UTC on the same day. If for
> any reason the migration does not complete by then, we will be reverting
> back to the existing infrastructure and attempt migration again after a
> subsequent announcement.
> During the migration window submission of patches for review and continuous
> integration will be affected. We expect to have a more robust infrastructure
> for these services once the migration is complete. If you have any questions
> about this migration, please send out a note to us on the gluster-infra
> mailing list.
> Thanks,
> Gluster Infrastructure team

An update on what happened.

We migrated Gerrit successfully. The migration happened really quickly
(< 1hr IIRC) and without much problems. https://review.gluster.org is
now hosted in a Red Hat DC and live right now. We've checked and it
appears to be working correctly. If anyone finds any issue, please
contact gluster-infra.

Migration of Jenkins on the other hand was unsuccessful. Copying out
the disk image took longer than expected, and it didn't complete
within the expected time. So for now we've restarted the old instance.
We've verified that it's able to connect to gerrit and is able to
trigger jobs, so it will continue work as before.

We're in the process of coming up with a better migration plan for
Jenkins, on that will hopefully take less downtime. We'll share the
new plan once we finalize on it and the dates.

Gluster Infra team

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