[06:30:49] Running tests in file ./tests/performance/open-behind.t
tar: Failed open to read/write on 
/build/install/var/log/glusterfs/open-behind.tar (No such file or directory)
tar: Unexpected EOF on archive file
cat: /mnt/glusterfs/1/test-file0: No such file or directory
cat: /mnt/glusterfs/1/test-file1: No such file or directory
tar: Failed open to read/write on 
/build/install/var/log/glusterfs/open-behind.tar (No such file or directory)
tar: Unexpected EOF on archive file
./tests/performance/open-behind.t .. 
ok 1, LINENUM:8
ok 2, LINENUM:9
ok 3, LINENUM:10
ok 4, LINENUM:12
ok 5, LINENUM:14
ok 6, LINENUM:17
ok 7, LINENUM:19
ok 8, LINENUM:33
ok 9, LINENUM:34
ok 10, LINENUM:40
ok 11, LINENUM:42
ok 12, LINENUM:49
ok 13, LINENUM:51
ok 14, LINENUM:53
ok 15, LINENUM:58
not ok 16 Got "" instead of "hello-this-is-a-test-message1", LINENUM:59
FAILED COMMAND: hello-this-is-a-test-message1 cat /mnt/glusterfs/1/test-file1
ok 17, LINENUM:61
ok 18, LINENUM:64
Failed 1/18 subtests 

Test Summary Report
./tests/performance/open-behind.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 18 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  16
Files=1, Tests=18, 22 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.02 sys +  1.51 cusr  1.77 
csys =  3.33 CPU)
Result: FAIL
End of test ./tests/performance/open-behind.t

Please advise.


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