Created following etherpad to track the patches which needs to be merged before branching 3.9

Please Note:
- Patch should have Ack from Maintainer
- Ready to merge patches but pending regressions.


On Friday 26 August 2016 09:51 PM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
Prasanna, Prashant,
Could you add a short description of the features you are working on for 3.9 as well to the list?

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 9:39 PM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri < <>> wrote:

    On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri
    < <>> wrote:

              Now that we are almost near the feature freeze date
        (31st of Aug), want to get a sense if any of the status of the

    I meant "want to get a sense of the status of the features"

        Please respond with:
        1) Feature already merged
        2) Undergoing review will make it by 31st Aug
        3) Undergoing review, but may not make it by 31st Aug
        4) Feature won't make it for 3.9.

        I added the features that were not planned(i.e. not in the 3.9
        roadmap page) but made it to the release and not planned but
        may make it to release at the end of this mail.
        If you added a feature on master that will be released as part
        of 3.9.0 but forgot to add it to roadmap page, please let me
        know I will add it.

        Here are the features planned as per the roadmap:
        1) Throttling
        Feature owner: Ravishankar

        2) Trash improvements
        Feature owners: Anoop, Jiffin

        3) Kerberos for Gluster protocols:
        Feature owners: Niels, Csaba

        4) SELinux on gluster volumes:
        Feature owners: Niels, Manikandan

        5) Native sub-directory mounts:
        Feature owners: Kaushal, Pranith

        6) RichACL support for GlusterFS:
        Feature owners: Rajesh Joseph

        7) Sharemodes/Share reservations:
        Feature owners: Raghavendra Talur, Poornima G, Soumya Koduri,
        Rajesh Joseph, Anoop C S

        8) Integrate with external resource management software
        Feature owners: Kaleb Keithley, Jose Rivera

        9) Python Wrappers for Gluster CLI Commands
        Feature owners: Aravinda VK

        10) Package and ship libgfapi-python
        Feature owners: Prashant Pai

        11) Management REST APIs
        Feature owners: Aravinda VK

        12) Events APIs
        Feature owners: Aravinda VK

        13) CLI to get state representation of a cluster from the
        local glusterd pov
        Feature owners: Samikshan Bairagya

        14) Posix-locks Reclaim support
        Feature owners: Soumya Koduri

        15) Deprecate striped volumes
        Feature owners: Vijay Bellur, Niels de Vos

        16) Improvements in Gluster NFS-Ganesha integration
        Feature owners: Jiffin Tony Thottan, Soumya Koduri

        *The following need to be added to the roadmap:*

        Features that made it to master already but were not palnned:
        1) Multi threaded self-heal in EC
        Feature owner: Pranith (Did this because serkan asked for it.
        He has 9PB volume, self-healing takes a long time :-/)

        2) Lock revocation (Facebook patch)
        Feature owner: Richard Wareing

        Features that look like will make it to 3.9.0:
        1) Hardware extension support for EC
        Feature owner: Xavi

        2) Reset brick support for replica volumes:
        Feature owner: Anuradha

        3) Md-cache perf improvements in smb:
        Feature owner: Poornima

-- Pranith

-- Pranith


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