On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 9:27 PM, Niels de Vos <nde...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 03, 2016 at 01:04:37AM +0530, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
>> hi Bharata,
>>        What tests are run before the release of glusterfs so that we make
>> sure this integration is stable? Could you add that information here so
>> that I can update it at
>> https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-component-release-checklist
> I normally run some qemu-img commands to create/copy/... VM-images. When
> I have sufficient time, I start a VM based on a gluster:// URL on the
> commandline (through libvirt XML files), similar to this:
>   http://blog.nixpanic.net/2013/11/initial-work-on-gluster-integration.html

Certainly this is good way of testing, but unfortunately this is not enough.

With the recent changes to support multivolfile server in qemu, I feel
we need more tests w.r.t that area (ex. switching volfile servers both
initial client select time and run-time) ?


Why don't we add some testcases/scripts for this?
I shall create a repository for this in my fee times and we keep
adding the test cases here which will be one run per release. (Let me
know if you are in favor of adding them in the gluster repo itself)

And I also feel we should be responsible with some checks with libvirt
compatibility, as in testing with virsh commands would be super cool.

> In case Bharata is not actively working (or interested) in QEMU and it's
> Gluster driver, Prasanna and I should probably replace or get added in
> the MAINTAINERS file, both of us get requests from the QEMU maintainers
> directly.

I am happy to take this responsibility.


> Niels
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