
  Actually the currently component list in the Bugzilla appears to be in
just alphabetical order of all components and sub-components as a flattened

Planning to better organize the component list. So the bugs can be reported
on the components( mostly matching different git repositories) and
sub-components( mostly matching different components in the git repository,
or functionality ) in the list respectively which will help in easy access
for the reporter of the bug and as well as the assignee.

Along with these changes we will have only major version number(3.6, 3.7..)
(as mentioned in an earlier email from Kaleb - check that :) ) unlike
previously we had major version with minor version. Reporter has to mention
the minor version in the description (the request for the exact version is
already part of the template)

In order to do so we require the maintainers to list their top-level
component and sub-components to be listed along with the version for
each.You should include the version for glusterfs (3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,mainline
) and the sub-components as far as you have them ready. Also give examples
of other components and their versions (gdeploy etc). It makes a huge
difference for people to amend that has bits missing, starting from scratch
without examples it difficult ;-)

Thanks and regards,
Muthu Vigneshwaran and Niels
Gluster-devel mailing list

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