On 10/03/2016 06:58 AM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 6:41 AM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri <pkara...@redhat.com <mailto:pkara...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 8:50 PM, Ravishankar N
    <ravishan...@redhat.com <mailto:ravishan...@redhat.com>> wrote:

        On 09/30/2016 06:38 PM, Niels de Vos wrote:
        On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 07:11:51AM +0530, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
              At the moment 'Reviewed-by' tag comes only if a +1 is given on the
        final version of the patch. But for most of the patches, different 
        would spend time on different versions making the patch better, they may
        not get time to do the review for every version of the patch. Is it
        possible to change the gerrit script to add 'Reviewed-by' for all the
        people who participated in the review?
        +1 to this. For the argument that this *might* encourage
        me-too +1s, it only exposes
        such persons in bad light.
        Or removing 'Reviewed-by' tag completely would also help to make sure it
        doesn't give skewed counts.
        I'm not going to lie, for me, that takes away the incentive of
        doing any reviews at all.

    Could you elaborate why? May be you should also talk about your
    primary motivation for doing reviews.

I guess it is probably because the effort needs to be recognized? I think there is an option to recognize it so it is probably not a good idea to remove the tag I guess.

Yes, numbers provide good motivation for me:
Motivation for looking at patches and finding bugs for known components even though I am not its maintainer. Motivation to learning new components because a bug and a fix is usually when I look at code for unknown components.
Motivation to level-up when statistics indicate I'm behind my peers.

I think even you said some time back in an ML thread that what can be measured can be improved.


        I would not feel comfortable automatically adding Reviewed-by tags for
        people that did not review the last version. They may not agree with the
        last version, so adding their "approved stamp" on it may not be correct.
        See the description of Reviewed-by in the Linux kernel sources [0].
        While the Linux kernel model is the poster child for projects
        to draw standards
        from, IMO, their email based review system is certainly not
        one to emulate. It
        does not provide a clean way to view patch-set diffs, does not
        present a single
        URL based history that tracks all review comments, relies on
        the sender to
        provide information on what changed between versions, allows a
        variety of
        'Komedians' [1] to add random tags which may or may not be
        picked up
        by the maintainer who takes patches in etc.
        Maybe we can add an additional tag that mentions all the people that
        did do reviews of older versions of the patch. Not sure what the tag
        would be, maybe just CC?
        It depends on what tags would be processed to obtain
        statistics on review contributions.
        I agree that not all reviewers might be okay with the latest
        revision but that
        % might be miniscule (zero, really) compared to the normal
        case where the reviewer spent
        considerable time and effort to provide feedback (and an
        eventual +1) on previous
        revisions. If converting all +1s into 'Reviewed-by's is not
        feasible in gerrit
        or is not considered acceptable, then the maintainer could
        wait for a reasonable
        time for reviewers to give +1 for the final revision before
        he/she goes ahead
        with a +2 and merges it. While we cannot wait indefinitely for
        all acks, a comment
        like 'LGTM, will wait for a day for other acks before I go
        ahead and merge' would be

        Enough of bike-shedding from my end I suppose.:-)

        [1] https://lwn.net/Articles/503829/



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