On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Michael Scherer <msche...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> so people might have seen that last week, a rather severe vuln was
> found: https://dirtycow.ninja/
> I was at Openstack summit when it was found, and the updated kernel
> package wasn't on the CDN until I was out for holiday[1]. The main
> reason is that RH test kernel patchs a bit more than others, especially
> for something as critical. And Centos wait on RH to push update
> So while this was not uber urgent as shellshock or heartbleed, it was
> still rather critical to fix as I have a rather minimal trust in Jenkins
> and Gerrit to be secure.
> So once I was back on friday, and after dealing with others fires and
> infra, I did reboot stuff that wouldn't impact too much production (like
> rsyslog, freeipa servers, the salt server, the virt hosts with builders)
> and decided to push for a reboot of jenkins and gerrit for the weekend.
> In retrospect, I tought I did discuss on irc, but I forgot, sorry about
> that.
> Of course, because I like to live dangerously, I did that in the
> saturday morning, on a travel day. It should have been fast[2].
> However, things never go as expected and we did face a few issues:
> - myrmicinae.rht.gluster.org, the host running our VM decided to take 1h
> to boot. At the firmware/BIOS level. That's slightly inacceptable, but I
> have also a limited capacity to fix, since this would requires 1) to
> test reboot (so lose 1h) 2) to fiddle in the Bios (and so reboot).
> So that's why jenkins/gerrit were down around 10h CET until 11h.
> - jenkins didn't (as usual) restart. I found the root cause, this was
> due to NetworkManager and network init script kinda doing the same
> stuff, but in different way. This is now fixed, and jenkins VM should
> reboot without a human to fix stuff around.
> - gerrit for some reason do not start at boot. I am not sure what was
> the way it was done before, but I suspect something related
> to /etc/init.d that got wiped after a upgrade or something, because
> gerrit initscript is not a real initscript. So I did some hack
> in /etc/rc.local, since the upgrade to EL7 is around the corner, and I
> had better things to do in the weekend that fixing some bash stuff (like
> fixing python stuff).
> - gerrit VM DNS was incorrect, and no one told me until 6h after the
> reboot (why no one told on irc and or on the list and or bugzilla is a
> issue that I will surely have to investigate). Why did the DNS got
> changed (or if it didn't changed, how did it worked before ?) is the
> part that I still cannot explain. But it got for some reason reverted to
> the old setting, using the libvirt gateway as dns, which wasn't working
> with the current setup. So this was fixed after Nigel pinged me on my
> phone, and I managed to connect from the train to fix it.
> So I suspect that's all for today, I will try to schedule my next
> vacation outside of the unexpected release of a critical kernel patch.
> [1] yes, it was nice, thanks for asking.
> [2] famous last word
> --
> Michael Scherer
> Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure and Platform, OSAS
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Hey, thanks for the update! We'll work on moving those kernel patches
timelines around.
- amye

Amye Scavarda | a...@redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead
Gluster-devel mailing list

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