On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 5:45 AM, Nigel Babu <nig...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been working on a dashboard for test failure statistics. This is built on
> the work done by Poornima on `extras/failed-tests.py`. The site can be viewed
> at http://fstat.gluster.org. Please file any bugs against the Github project
> here: http://github.com/gluster/fstat/issues

Thank you Nigel for putting this together!

One effective way of reducing spurious failures in regressions would
be to knock off problems causing tests to fail frequently (>5 times?)
in this list. Can we maintainers & component owners address frequently
failing tests in the same week that this report gets sent out? If we
can have this commitment, we will be in a much better position soon.

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